Websites, Features, Updates, Marketing Ideas For Printers,Experience A Performance Evolution

Fluidity. It’s our business. After all, how useful would it be to use yesterday’s technology and service experience for tomorrow’s needs? It’s in that spirit we wish to share six recent feature updates we’ve made to the websites from Marketing Ideas For Printers. With these updates, you can now: Complete/Re-open Individual Jobs Create Custom Send-A-File Questions Place Entire Order Level

What happens when you pour water into a cup? It takes the shape of a cup. Into a fishbowl? It takes the form of the fishbowl. You see the pattern here; water always takes the shape of the container it’s poured into. The water responds to the container; the water is responsive. It’s the same thing with website content: Website content

Odyssey, MIS, Marketing Ideas For Printers, The Personal Touch is Gone. Now What?

Gone are the days when you could count on a friendly smile with your purchase. Sure, you can still get that warm smile, but these days we head to the self-checkout line and intentionally choose to skip the opportunity for that friendly smile altogether. That’s a topic I explored in a recent article published on LinkedIn entitled, Connecting People to Process. (If

Color is your world. It’s part of what you do every day. You know how color emphasizes your perception of the products it appears on, and so do your customers. Or maybe they don’t. That’s why it’s a good idea to remind your customers that they can Win Customers With Colorful Packaging. That’s the topic (and the name of!) the

If the toughest part of business is landing that new customer, the second toughest part is getting them to come back! The innovative Printer@Work email newsletter helps you sell more printing by generating that much-needed repeat business, with style! This time-tested feature has been a part of our websites for more than 12 years, with more than 300 publications produced.

You know that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when others in the community start saying nice things about your company? That kind of advertising is priceless! How do you get ’em talking about you? Better yet, how do you help your print-buying customers get the community talking about them? Once you help your customers generate successful word-of-mouth marketing, you can

Who do your customers turn to for advice about which marketing pieces will get the most bang for their buck? You want your customers and prospects to rely on you for advice and guidance instantly. Providing expertise that will lead to more print projects is the ideal outcome, and we’ve just uploaded a new white paper to the websites provided by

We’ve all been there. The photo that looked perfect when you took it looks a whole lot different when you’re ready to print it. And if you have been in that position, it’s not a big stretch to think that your customers have been in that position too. Now, armed with this new Tech Tip, you can restore faith in humanity

When you, as a printer, can help set up your print-buying customers for success, they’ll share their success with you! 5 Must-Haves in Every Layout has the kind of information your customers need to be successful in their design efforts. It is the newest Design Tip added to the Ideas Collection on the websites provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers. This tip explores five

Typography is SO important! You know it, and now you can make sure your customers and website visitors know it, too! 5 Rules for Readability with Type is the newest tip added to the Ideas Collection on the websites provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers. The five rules presented in this tip include: Keep typography simple. Stay consistent. Use upper and lower case. Keep lines

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