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At Marketing Ideas For Printers, everything we do is created exclusively and uniquely for printers. We’re passionate about helping printers sell more printing by offering services that combine professional marketing content and the best web and print technology. It’s an unbeatable combination that has led to so much success for our customers.
All of the details about what we do can be found at Please accept my invitation to dig deeper into our websites and learn all about the content and technology we offer. And of course, if you want to talk person-to-person, we’re never more than a phone call away. We promise someone nice will always answer when you give us a call at 800-736-0688.
How we work with you is even more important than what we do to help you. You’ll find that explained in the Marketing Ideas For Printers (MI4P) Process found at the bottom of this page. In fact, the MI4P Process appears on every page throughout our website. How we work with you is that important to us, so take a few minutes and watch the MI4P Process video below.
Most important of all is why we do what we do. I hope this doesn’t sound too cliché, but we really do consider the opportunity to serve you as a partnership. After all, we succeed only when you succeed … it’s a win-win situation! The partnership we form is what creates this success. It’s exciting to know that we can both grow successful together, not at the expense of one another, but because of each other!
Now you know about what we do at Marketing Ideas For Printers, how we do it, and why we do it.
For me personally, though, there’s more to the story. A lot more. The story goes back to my childhood and to the very first Bible verse I learned as a kid: Proverbs 3:6. It says:
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. (KJV)
That verse has guided my whole life. In fact, the behind-the-scenes, corporate name of Marketing Ideas For Printers is “Direct Paths” because of my desire to acknowledge Him as the leader of my life. I trust a loving God to direct my paths because He knows the future so much better than I do.
It’s not a requirement that the team here at Marketing Ideas For Printers hold the same beliefs I’ve shared with you, although many on our team do. While I don’t want my faith to come across as some kind of sales pitch, it is my desire that you’ll recognize a positive difference here at Marketing Ideas For Printers. That difference is one you’ll be able to trace back to a desire to acknowledge the influence of a loving Father who cared enough about people infected with sin that He sent His only Son into our world to do something about it.
Nothing in life is more important than a relationship with God’s son, Jesus, because some day, your life will give way to eternity. Knowing Jesus makes all the difference for eternity.
Thank you for allowing me to share my belief with you.
Dave Hultin
President, Marketing Ideas For Printers