Beyond the Sparkle: Clickbait in Print Marketing

When the flash of digital marketing often outshines the steady glow of substantial content, it’s easy for print businesses to fall into the trap of chasing clicks over creating connections.

But let’s get one thing straight: attention without retention is the marketing equivalent of a mirage—enticing from afar but ultimately leaving your print buyers parched for real value.

The Seduction of the Spotlight for Printers

In your quest to cut through the noise, you might prioritize the allure of attention-grabbing tactics.

And why not? The initial rush of a spike in website traffic or a flurry of social media engagement is intoxicating.

But here’s the rub: if all you offer is the marketing equivalent of a fireworks display—spectacular yet fleeting—you miss the opportunity to truly engage with your audience beyond the initial “oohs” and “ahhs.”

Remember: Attraction Is Just the Beginning

Focus not just on drawing your print buyers in but on what happens next. Your marketing should be a beacon, not a flashbang grenade.

The Overlooked Middle Child: The Consideration Stage

Much like a middle child vying for attention among siblings, the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey often gets overshadowed by its flashier counterpart, awareness, and the eagerly anticipated decision phase.

However, this critical middle ground is where those print buyer relationships are nurtured, trust is built, and value is communicated.

Remember: Deepening Engagement Through Valuable Content

Invest in creating content that answers questions, educates, and solves problems. Blogs, how-to guides, and case studies are not just filler; they’re the foundation of a relationship built on trust and expertise.

From Flash to Substance: Crafting Content That Connects

Grabbing attention is one thing; keeping it is another.

The key to retention lies in providing substance over sparkle. It’s about shifting from being a source of noise to becoming a beacon of value and reliability.

Remember: Substance Over Sparkle

Quality content is your currency in the economy of attention. Create with purpose, focusing on what your print buyers truly need and value.

The Journey from Clickbait to Commitment

So, how do you ensure your marketing efforts lead to more than just fleeting attention?

By guiding your print buyers through each stage of their journey with intention and integrity. From awareness through consideration and onto decision, each touchpoint is an opportunity to reinforce your value and deepen your connection.

Attention without Retention is essentially just clickbait.

Remember: Nurturing Leads to Conversion

Consider each stage of the print buyer’s journey as an integral step toward a lasting relationship. Your strategy should encompass not just the capture of attention but the cultivation of engagement and loyalty.

Closing the Loop: Embrace the Full Spectrum of Marketing

Attention without retention is like a ship that launches with great fanfare but lacks the compass to navigate the waters ahead.

It’s not enough to simply dazzle; you must deliver.

As printers, your mission extends beyond the initial impression to the lasting impact you have on your clients.

Remember: Marketing is a Journey, Not Just a Destination

Embrace the full spectrum of marketing by engaging your print buyers at every stage of their journey. Your efforts to retain and nurture your audience are what truly transform fleeting clicks into lasting connections.

To Sum it All Up

Don’t be seduced by the siren call of instant gratification.

Instead, commit to the deeper, more rewarding work of building relationships that endure. After all, in the journey of marketing, the true treasure lies not in the attention you briefly capture but in the connections you carefully cultivate and keep.

All the best,

Written by

Rachel Nies

Director of Marketing, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Rachel has a passion for helping others succeed. She doesn’t like the limelight but will do everything she can to help you get there. A born implementer with a love for content creation, editing, project management and administration, Rachel uses her unique abilities as the Director of Marketing at Marketing Ideas For Printers, helping printers across the country sell more printing through marketing content and online ordering solutions.