New Design Tip: 5 Must-Haves in Every Layout

When you, as a printer, can help set up your print-buying customers for success, they’ll share their success with you! 5 Must-Haves in Every Layout has the kind of information your customers need to be successful in their design efforts. It is the newest Design Tip added to the Ideas Collection on the websites provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers.

This tip explores five “must do” items that will help your customers create eye-catching design, including:

  1. Engage the Reader
  2. Guide the Reader’s Eye
  3. Find the Natural Focal Point
  4. Balance the Composition
  5. Go For a More Asymmetrical Design

This informative tip article will help your customers create successful design by themselves, and will also keep you in the front of their minds if they have a need for more help.

For printers using websites from Marketing Ideas For Printers, this new tip is found in the Design Tips section of the Ideas Collection. (Not using a website from Marketing Ideas For Printers? You can see the tip here on one of our demo websites.)

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