Getting out of your comfort zone is tough—whether it’s in life or business. But here’s the thing: sticking with the same old, same old, won’t help you grow your print shop. If you want to lead your clients and help them succeed, you’ve got to dive into the world of marketing yourself first. Embrace Change: Your Print Shop Deserves It

Diving into the online print market is no walk in the park. Giants like Vistaprint and Shutterfly dominate the scene with their vast offerings and savvy marketing, setting a towering standard for smaller printing companies aiming to establish their spot in the market. Yet, there’s room for the David’s in this Goliath’s world. Smaller print businesses can carve out their

As a print company owner, you know the importance of branding. It helps your business stand out in a crowded market and creates a lasting impression on potential customers. However, as time goes by, it’s possible for your branding to become stale or outdated. This can have a negative impact on your business and hinder its growth. If you are

If you think it’s a constant struggle to market your services effectively to print buyers, you’re not alone. With advancements in technology and changes in print buyer behavior, your regular marketing strategies may not be as effective as they used to be. Is this you? Below, we’ve outlined 13 marketing fails that might be keeping you from connecting with prospective

Are you struggling to ensure your marketing efforts are on track and optimized for success? Ineffective marketing strategies waste time and resources without yielding desired results. Imagine investing time and money into marketing efforts that fail to generate the desired outcomes. Frustrating, isn’t it? Without a clear understanding of your target market and a cohesive branding strategy, your printing company

If you’re struggling to get the word out that you’re ready, willing, and able to help others with their print marketing needs, here are some must-haves and must-dos to help drive traffic to your website using social media and email marketing. What to Post on Social Media Social media should be a melting pot of engaging content. A good rule

Messaging is everything. It drives your entire business, should be crafted synonymously with your core values, and built around a clear, compelling reason why your prospects should want to do business with you. Yet, the majority of printers have no core messaging, and no relevant message strategy (other than to sell something somebody wants). So, how do you craft content

DesignEdit, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Websites, Printers

There’s a new DesignEdit in the works, and you’re gonna love it! What’s DesignEdit? DesignEdit is an online design tool available on websites from Marketing Ideas For Printers. It offers your prospects and customers the ability to create ready-to-print online design projects starting with either a blank canvas or from one of 20,000+ pre-built templates. From changing colors to cropping images, your website visitors

If the toughest part of business is landing that new customer, the second toughest part is getting them to come back! The innovative Printer@Work email newsletter helps you sell more printing by generating that much-needed repeat business, with style! This time-tested feature has been a part of our websites for more than 12 years, with more than 300 publications produced.