It’s a big word communicating a concept that’s sometimes a bit fuzzy.
Sustainability, derived from the Latin word sustinere, is to maintain, support, uphold, or endure over a long period of time. Originally, sustainability referred primarily to the environment – to using resources wisely so that people in the future could rely on them long term. Today this word involves the balance of environmental, social, and economic factors.
The question every generation must answer is this:
How can we meet the needs of the present without compromising the future?
And – in a society that’s increasingly aware of our need to care for this physical world – how does the print industry answer that question?
Sustainability is a hot topic in many industries, and professional printing is no exception.
While traditional printing practices have involved resource-intensive processes, our industry becomes more nimble and environmentally conscious each year. Green printing practices reduce waste and conserve resources while simultaneously minimizing carbon emissions.
Want to put some of these options into practice or weave this information into your marketing? Here are four “green” tools at our fingertips and some corresponding statistics you can use to support that ever-important sustainability message.
In contrast to traditional printing – which often requires large print runs and many discarded “extras” – on-demand printing produces only the required quantity of materials. Enhanced technology allows you to precisely quantify the number of pieces needed while conserving materials, energy, and waste (and tell your print buyers about it).
Printing companies are finding new options every year to reduce their environmental footprint, and you can, too.
Does your printing company recycle ink cartridges, obsolete equipment, or print materials? What percentage of your printing is done using environmentally friendly materials? Consider sharing these pictures, statistics, or examples to inspire both customers and colleagues.
While traditional inks contain volatile organic compounds that release harmful fumes into the atmosphere, soy-based inks (made from renewable soybeans) reduce air pollution and are easier to recycle. Share with your print buyers examples, such as more than 90% of the nation’s daily newspapers are now printed with color soy ink? This also works well for label printing, as soy ink allows a reduction in coverage by 85% compared to water-based inks.
Contemporary technology has ushered in many transformative print industry changes, including energy-efficient printers and software solutions that optimize resource use.
Today’s digital, UV, and 3D printers directly transfer images or shapes onto their materials, circumventing the need for intermediary stages, cumbersome drying steps, and the waste that followed each transitional step.
Did you know . . .
Commercial printing is a major contributor to vibrant sales and marketing for thousands of industries, and it will always be an important part of the economy.
Trends predict continued growth in digital printing and related services. As this growth occurs, our industry will continue to evolve with impressive technological advancements and changing customer preferences.
Sustainability will be a key factor shaping both the mindset of customers and the future of printing, so be proactive and bold as you employ new technology and communicate the value of green printing to your audience.