Print owners are some of the toughest people on the planet. Get to know a few, and you’ll quickly find undaunted passion, unwavering integrity, time-tested grit, and a deep love for small business and their families. But as any entrepreneur knows, owning a business isn’t all sunshine and roses. There are times when the high highs are met with low lows,

When Time Doesn’t Fly, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Local Edge, Direct Mail

Time flies . . . except when it doesn’t. In our multi-tasking, WiFi world, every stalled moment seems accentuated. Inconvenient holdups cause us near physical pain. And perhaps they should! Did you know that in the course of one year, an average adult will spend four and a half days waiting? Over a lifetime this totals nearly a full year delayed

Knock, Knock! It's Time for a Coffee Break, Coffee Break, Direct Mail, Marketing Ideas For Printers

The August 2017 issue of Coffee Break will be coming your way soon! One of the best ways to maintain front-of-mind awareness with your customers is for your customers to see your name as much as possible. One of the best ways to stand out in a pile of mail and other advertisements is with light-hearted humor. Our Coffee Break

The Power of Good Content, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Websites, MIS

Does this sound familiar? Hmmm. . .what should we say in this blog? It should be something that inspires our customers. Yeah. Innovative. Powerful. Or maybe an educational piece? That could work; something like 3 Steps to. . .Hmmm. . .3 steps to what? What about. . .[ding]. Oh, look, Jim just emailed. No, stay focused – working on content

Cut Through the Clutter with Beautiful Print Promotions, Websites, Ideas Collection, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Average media consumers are staggering under the weight of spam e-mails and information overload. Think you can’t compete? Think again! While your customers may believe print advertising has grown stale, the “digital deluge” means there has never been a better time to highlight beautiful print promotions. Rules of the Road The newest design tip in our Ideas Collection, available on

Volunteering Together Makes Life Better, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Others First, Core Values

So much of success as a business involves developing a close connection with your customers and community. This is especially true in smaller, local companies (like printers!). Sure, we should tell you that a well-designed piece of direct mail can do this (and it can), but nothing says “we care about you” quite like volunteering together as a company within

Websites, Ecommerce Suite, Sell Printing While You Sleep, Marketing Ideas For Printers

We’ve all been there. You hear about a fantastic new product on the radio or read about it in an article, and you decide you must get one for yourself. Within minutes, you’ve found a store online that sells that product, chosen the best shipping option for your needs, and even paid for it. Within days, it’s going to be

Printer's Press, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Direct Mail, Introduce Yourself With Printer's Press

Are you waiting in anticipation to check out the latest issue of Printer’s Press? In this Issue In the upcoming June 2017  issue you’ll find articles on: Fun ways to teach children the value of money Relief for hand and knuckle pain A mouthwatering recipe for Crab Macaroni and Cheese And a travel article about Bodie, California, a historic ghost

Direct Mail, Coffee Break, Need a Happy, Well-Cared-For Customer?, Marketing Ideas For Printers

The July 2017 issue of Coffee Break will be coming your way soon! Positive relationships don’t just happen – they must be cultivated. One way to nurture a positive relationship with potential customers and strengthen existing relationships is through your marketing. The Coffee Break newsletter allows you to let your potential and existing customers see your human side, and reminds

White Paper, Websites, 6 Tips to Master Networking, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Networking can be the lifeblood of business, especially for businesses that find it difficult to advertise in traditional ways. Our latest white paper “How to Master Networking” takes the guesswork out of the right approach to using networking as a strong part of building a successful business. Become A Master Networker Included in this whitepaper are tips to help networkers

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