At some point in your life, we suspect that your mother (or someone else equally influential) taught you the value of sharing. Virtual sharing on the internet isn’t quite the same as the physical sharing our moms taught us, but it’s still important. The importance of sharing is what brings us to today’s big update: sharing the high-quality content on your website

You will soon witness a landmark number: the 300th issue of the Printer@Work email newsletter! (Printer@Work is an email newsletter available to all Websites For Printers website clients.) Wow! 300 issues! Let’s make that number more real. Newsletter content is provided for delivery on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 300 issues ÷ 2 issues per month = 150 months,

You become even more valuable to your customers when they begin to see you as more than “just” a printer. Your knowledge doesn’t end at putting ink on paper; it continues way beyond that. For instance, you’re also an expert when it comes to helping your customers with their rebranding! How do we know? Because we just added a new

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been the victim of poor communication. I’m pretty sure I just saw every hand go up. It happened to me last month when I was helping my elderly mother with some loose ends on a recent transition from a senior living community to a skilled, long-term care facility. Here’s the play-by-play: Imagine drawing a

Here’s a question that pops up every so often when a printer is checking out Websites For Printers: How big are the files customers can send using the Send a File tool? It’s become way too easy to take file transfers for granted. After all, it’s just like flipping a light switch: flip the switch, electricity flows, and the light turns

Every year, my wife and I talk about planting a tree. This has been going on now for the last 15 years, and, finally, I am happy to report that we have followed through and planted three trees this past Memorial Day weekend. The Best Time to Plant There is a Chinese proverb that says, “The best time to plant a

The 76.7 million workers in the millennial age group have a buying power worth $1.3 trillion. They’re the largest group in the workforce today with yesterday’s boomers passing the torch to today’s millennials. Here’s some great news about millennials: They respond favorably to paper and print marketing! How do you reach this group? When your website is powered by the

We recently completed a server infrastructure upgrade to increase the performance of your website. Wow, that was boring. Let’s try again. Everyone Wins! Everyone wins when a website is faster! We just added some rocket fuel to the servers that host the websites for Websites For Printers. With this added rocket fuel, you’ll see that: Everything your customers do on your

Some Websites For Printers clients have recently received a notice from Getty Images regarding the use of one of their copyrighted photos in the Printer@Work email newsletter. In this letter, Getty is requesting a settlement amount of a few hundred to, in some cases, over a thousand dollars for the “unlicensed” use of this image. This has prompted a number

Promo Codes

Have you ever shopped online and entered that cryptic code into the promo code box on the shopping cart screen? If so, then you know promo codes can be a great way to entice first-time shoppers to place their first order, or to reward repeat customers for their loyalty. On the flip side, a lot of printers would much rather

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