You’ve updated your website, and now you’re ready to sit back and watch the sales roll in! But there’s a problem. Your website is impressive, but the masses aren’t flocking to it as you had hoped. And, when they do go there, it seems like they’re only looking around and not ordering. What’s the deal? If you’re struggling to get

“Ugh. Marketing. Why does it have to be so hard? Why can’t people just know my product or service is awesome and come bursting through my doors to buy it?” If you’ve ever felt like this when trying to get the word out about a new product, you’re not alone. Except for a select group of people (like those who

Sharp marketing can put the wind at your back! Here’s a preview of the content geared at giving your business growing momentum this month: Printer’s Press Want to keep your print products in the limelight this month? Printer’s Press lights up the night featuring outdoor evening entertaining, Kit Kat’s chunky chocolate direct mail teaser, an “American Riviera,” Big Sur spotlight,

All printers want to sell more printing, but many tend to overlook the impact that white papers have on reaching that goal. What are White Papers? A white paper is an “authoritative report or guide meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision”. They provide an in-depth study on a specific topic. What’s great

Print marketing, goal planning, marketing

As small business owners, we wear a lot of hats, making it nearly impossible to give our complete focus to every role. That’s usually why when it comes to the marketing and selling for our print companies, we often rely on what we’ve always done simply because it’s comfortable. After all, it’s easier to focus on other pressing responsibilities. Over

Who needs marketing? Things are great. I’m busier than ever, and profits are through the roof! In fact, I don’t want or need any more business. All of that may be true. This has been an incredible run. Nine years of economic growth. Not a record, but it’s certainly has been a great ride. I hope it continues for nine

Most companies, printers included, haven’t spent the time to define their sales process or the stages a prospect goes through before they buy. Even still, there are several more companies who have discrepancies in their sales process depending who you ask. Defining this process isn’t an easy exercise to go through, but it’s very necessary. And,  having it well-defined will

The Golden Touch Do you have anyone in your life a bit like Midas? You know, where everything they touch turns to gold? It seems favor follows them at every turn and they garner respect wherever they go. While not all of us possess that charismatic charm, it is possible to grow in our delivery. And that starts with compelling

Your branding and marketing are the lifeblood of your business, and they are worth your time and energy to learn to do right. If this is new territory for you, sometimes the best way to make sure you’re on the right path means simply learning to recognize the wrong one. Check out these top ten mistakes printers make with their

Crafting a marketing message that will resonate with your buyers is no easy task. But, if you first determine the who, the what, and the how, you’ll be well on your way to a compelling message. This week, in part four of this series, you’ll learn how to expand on what you’ve learned about the “how” thus far with an

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