How many customer lists are you currently maintaining? One of your most valuable customer lists is the one in your print management information system (Print MIS). After all, that’s where you’re keeping track of everyone that’s placing orders, and everyone that’s paying you for the privilege of doing business with you. That’s a pretty significant list! When do you add people to

We’ve heard over and over again about the challenges printers face when they receive an order online and then need to re-enter the same information into their print management information systems (Print MIS). Copy-paste makes the job easier, of course, but who wants to sit around copying and pasting all day when you could be spending that time working and selling

A print management information system (or Print MIS) helps printers manage their day-to-day production activities. Would you agree that a Print MIS should connect you with your print-buying customers from the time an order is placed until the time an order is completed? That’s common ground that we can all agree on pretty easily. Would you also agree that you should be

At some point in your life, we suspect that your mother (or someone else equally influential) taught you the value of sharing. Virtual sharing on the internet isn’t quite the same as the physical sharing our moms taught us, but it’s still important. The importance of sharing is what brings us to today’s big update: sharing the high-quality content on your website

One of our core values at Marketing Ideas For Printers is Positive Attitude. A slightly longer version of that core value reads like this: Positive Attitude: We find the best in every experience. It’s easy to “find the best” in good experiences, but we desire to find the best in every experience, including the not-so-good experiences. We had one of those not-so-good

You will soon witness a landmark number: the 300th issue of the Printer@Work email newsletter! (Printer@Work is an email newsletter available to all Websites For Printers website clients.) Wow! 300 issues! Let’s make that number more real. Newsletter content is provided for delivery on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 300 issues ÷ 2 issues per month = 150 months,

We recently completed a server infrastructure upgrade to increase the performance of your website. Wow, that was boring. Let’s try again. Everyone Wins! Everyone wins when a website is faster! We just added some rocket fuel to the servers that host the websites for Websites For Printers. With this added rocket fuel, you’ll see that: Everything your customers do on your

Some Websites For Printers clients have recently received a notice from Getty Images regarding the use of one of their copyrighted photos in the Printer@Work email newsletter. In this letter, Getty is requesting a settlement amount of a few hundred to, in some cases, over a thousand dollars for the “unlicensed” use of this image. This has prompted a number

Every Websites For Printers website comes equipped with a fun and useful web page called Our List of Greatest Treasures. It’s a handy page your customers can use as a launchpad for many helpful websites. Here’s a sample of the Greatest Treasures page for our customers in the United States, and we have a Canadian version, too. Keeping the Content Fresh One

Let’s get the play on words straight right from the start. Moderately Confused is a cartoon, and it’s been added to all Websites For Printers websites! Here are a few samples: Moderately Confused is described as: A whimsical, slice-of-life view into life’s fool-hardy moments. That pretty much nails it! You’ll find the Moderately Confused cartoon in the Fun@Work section of your website, which is

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