Babe Ruth once said, “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” What a powerful thing to remember—if you’ve had marketing ideas fall flat or campaigns that have not brought in the sales you were hoping for, you’re just one step closer to hitting on a winning idea. The marketing products we offer make it simple to reach

As the calendar creeps ever closer to summer and all that it can entail, both personally and professionally, take a minute to be sure your company’s marketing efforts are at their peak performance. While your customers may be thinking about their summer vacation plans, be sure your marketing sends the message that you and your team are working hard to

How are you feeling about your marketing efforts so far this year? Have the first few months brought in more customers or increased sales? If you aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for, consider the importance of a regular, monthly mailing as part of your marketing routine. Be sure your company’s name and contact information is at your customers’

As the printing industry continues to evolve and become increasingly competitive, your printing company has to stay ahead of the curve to succeed. With a few simple steps and a little planning, you can start now to ensure you’re ready for success in 2023. Here are ten things you should consider doing today to help your printing business sell more

Steve Jobs is quoted as saying, “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” For most people, overnight success is not on the horizon. And no matter the level of success, behind each company is a story of dedication and hard work. The time and energy your company puts into building your brand by using consistent

The number one reason (ahem… excuse) print companies give for not marketing themselves is they’re not marketers – they’re printers. But, it’s simply not true. Businesses look to you for their printing needs AND their marketing needs. In fact, they’re watching your example of how to do marketing well. So, it begs the question: what are you teaching your print buyers?

Our Coffee Break newsletter has been a unique addition to our direct mail marketing packages for over two decades! And really, should that be surprising? After all, humor sells! Why not deliver that humor to your customers monthly with your company name on it? SHARE THE LAUGHS Here is a list of our favorite laughs from the 2022 Coffee Break newsletters: 🤣

In a month or so, when love is in the air, or at least the reminder of Valentine’s Day is all around, why not lean into the theme and let your customers know you love them by sending quality marketing materials? A consistent direct-mail schedule is an important part of maintaining the relationship you have worked hard to build. As

Social media is essential to your print business, and because your print buyers are on various social media channels, you and your brand need to be where they are. Social media marketing works because it helps you: Achieve better customer service Control your reputation Increase trust in your business Generate more website traffic Complement all of your other marketing But

All-new content for your website, direct mail, and front counter is available now! We’re thinking of things we can begin, quit, or change in our personal and professional lives as we work on content for the new year. As you look to the year ahead and how you want it to look different than the past year, we want you

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