As the middle of the year sneaks by, do you feel prepared for the marketing you’d like to do in the fall? Continuing to put your name in front of your print buyers could feel like an uphill battle. Relying on consistent monthly mailings to do part of that work for you might be just the thing to ease your mind and bring your sales to a new level. We’re proud to produce and provide the direct-mail marketing pieces and content described below, and we’d love to help you determine which one fits your print company’s needs! Check out the latest content available now! DOWNLOAD OF THE MONTH CLUB The May download from the Download of the Month Club is product-focused, inspiring your print buyers to take advantage of the many benefits of coupon marketing! This simple, fun statement stuffer is the perfect companion to any custom correspondence and encourages your clients to consider adding a new printed piece to their marketing lineup. If you struggle with knowing you should promote your print business more but don’t have the time to put it all together, the Download of the Month Club is your self-promotion shortcut. With new, ready-to-print files provided
Steve Jobs is quoted as saying, “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” For most people, overnight success is not on the horizon. And no matter the level of success, behind each company is a story of dedication and hard work. The time and energy your company puts into building your brand by using consistent print marketing is part of your success story. And we’re here to help every step of the way! Here’s the latest content available now. DOWNLOAD OF THE MONTH CLUB The January download from the Download of the Month Club starts the year off with a smile! Featuring a set of three, 4-inch designs you can easily transform into a magnet, sticker, or decal, you can show off your fun side! Stick these little marketing tools on completed orders or hand them out at your front counter or trade show event. Simply add your company’s information, print, and promote yourself. If you struggle with knowing you should promote your print business more but don’t have the time to put it all together, the Download of the Month Club is your self-promotion shortcut. With new, ready-to-print files provided to you monthly, each
No matter which path is best for your business, the right solution is waiting for you in the all-new content available now! Don’t work harder; work smarter and let these powerhouse projects do the work for you. Take a look! National Direct Mail National Direct Mail is a great option for your national marketing campaigns. With no use restrictions, you are free to use the content wherever you please, both online and offline! The June issue (available for download now) encourages your print buyers to put their name front and center with the staying power of labels, clings and magnets, and your help. Make a great impression while at the same time helping your customers create an impossible-to-ignore presence through print marketing. Pair a powerful direct mail piece along with the included social media and email marketing content, and you have a powerhouse marketing campaign each and every month with National Direct Mail. Printer’s Press Printer’s Press is our number one selling package, and this month’s issue will show you why. So much of the sales revenue your print company brings in depends on the small ways you keep your name in front of customers. How will they think of you
Making emotional connections with your customers and prospects can have a tremendous impact on your business. If your brand can generate an emotional response, you will sell more, gain greater customer loyalty, and be able to charge more than other companies that are selling an identical product. But, how do you do it? Using emotions in marketing is the latest topic covered in the White Paper Content provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers. “A brand that captures your mind gains behavior. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment.” – Scott Talgo Your Mission is Gaining Trust Emotional connection is the key to gaining and building trust. If your marketing fails to connect with your audience and make them feel something, you will be quickly forgotten. To create a connection, you first need to understand what’s motivating your buyers. What are they hoping to achieve? What feelings are they searching for with your product or service? Typically, there are three things that motivate all buyers: trust, confidence, and empathy. When you develop your message and brand to speak to one or all of these, you’ll have a message that sticks. Tools, such as targeting benefit triggers or choosing certain colors in
Let’s be honest, sometimes entrepreneurs and small business owners just don’t know where to start with their print resources. They get their business cards, maybe a sign, some flyers and brochures and then they don’t know what else to do – or think they don’t really need anything else. The Tool You Need for Your Customers The Ultimate Print Guide for Running a Small Business is a compact and useful tool for understanding what new business owners need to market and run their business. It is the perfect guide for inspiring your customers and simplifying their print needs into something they can understand and get excited about. The Perfect Guide The guide covers everything from PR needs and traditional marketing materials to forms and employee manuals. The Set, Camera, Lights! section dissects the need for great images of products and what to consider if taking the photos themselves vs. having them professionally done or using stock photos. After all, nothing ruins a great flyer like an amateur photo. The section on direct mail and other direct marketing materials lays out a good foundation to increase exposure and sales in simple steps with the potential for big results. Combine that with the section
Knowing what your customers actually think is like holding the book of knowledge. It leads to better decision-making, better allocation of resources, and a more effective marketing message. Some of the most creative forms of information gathering are only one white paper away for your customers. Gather the Right Info The latest white paper published on websites of Marketing Ideas For Printers website subscribers, titled “What are Your Customers Thinking?” shows your customers the power of gathering the right kind of information from their customers. There are creative ideas for comment cards, surveys for direct mail, and more to help your customers think of useful ways to know their customers better. Here’s an excerpt You can deduce only so much from your customers’ purchasing behavior. Knowing what they think will be the difference in moving your business forward. Customers don’t often volunteer information about their changing tastes, likes, goals, and ambitions; you have to ask them. Knowing these things can help you meet the needs of your ever-evolving customer base. Market More Effectively Asking the right questions of your customers will allow you to know what they need to hear from your marketing message. Create Additional, Targeted Products or Services
Grabbing someone’s attention in a world of information overload can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. Your customers will appreciate learning the techniques to writing killer headlines with our latest white paper. From Drab to Fab How often do your customers’ print pieces seem drab and ordinary? Perhaps it’s time to give them a helping hand by providing them with a copy of “A Quick Guide to Killer Headlines.” Not only does it provide a step by step process of writing attention-grabbing headlines, but it also gives them some ideas on what to print those headlines on. The white paper includes lists of helpful actions words to include, words to stay clear of, as well as examples of headlines that work. Your customers will learn easy and simple steps to writing response-driven phrases that focus on their customers’ needs and not their own. They’ll learn about focusing on the benefits of their offer as it applies directly to the customer, driving their desire for purchase. Content Benefits All When content holds such power, any help you can give your customer to lead them down the path of success is beneficial both to them and to you. This white
Creating content is one of the biggest struggles for businesses. Why? Because it’s hard to put on paper all of the things we say with ease about our business and our products. Even more difficult is planning ahead to have the right content when you need it. Creating A Plan This is why our latest white paper is about Creating a Rock-Solid Content Map. This is a great piece to distribute to your customers, especially the ones who find it hard to think ahead about their needs. Whether they are creating the content or rely on you to create their pieces from start to finish, getting them in the practice of creating a plan is in your best interest. Practice What You Preach Providing great content to your customers shows them that you are practicing what you preach. We have dynamic content to fill that need. Let us help you help your customers and boost your sales at the same time. Read the complete white paper here on one of our public demo websites, or get started creating your own free demo website from Marketing Ideas For Printers today. START FREE DEMO
Customer loyalty is every business’ priority – in theory. But in practice, loyalty can be elusive. Our latest whitepaper, “Keeping Customer Loyalty (After the Sale)” points out some of the not-so-obvious things your customers and prospects can work on to focus their message on their current customers. Make the Most of Your Current Customer Base Statistics show that selling to current customers is cost effective and more profitable year after year. It should also be noted that repeat sales are not guaranteed. Help your customers and prospects discover what they can do to make the most of their current customer base. Here’s a small excerpt: Keeping customers engaged is an ongoing process that is worth the effort. According to Bane & Co, the average repeat customer spends sixty-seven percent more in the thirty-first to thirty-sixth month than in the first six months. The more you nurture those customers through the smaller purchases in the early days, the more profitable they become as time passes. Mix it up. Combine print, digital, and face-to-face marketing opportunities to keep things interesting. But remember, the story you tell is just as important as how many times you tell it. This whitepaper shows your customers different techniques they
Networking can be the lifeblood of business, especially for businesses that find it difficult to advertise in traditional ways. Our latest white paper “How to Master Networking” takes the guesswork out of the right approach to using networking as a strong part of building a successful business. Become A Master Networker Included in this whitepaper are tips to help networkers understand the difference between networking and selling, as well as: How networking builds future sales Building trust-based relationships Choosing the right networking opportunities Making the most of your circle of contacts Creating power networking partners Building a lifelong sales funnel through the people you already know With this guide on “How to Become A Master Networker,” you can help your customers with great advice on how to build their sales funnel with networking and prove your value as part of their success! Read the complete white paper here on one of our public demo websites, or get started creating your own free demo website from Marketing Ideas For Printers today. GET NETWORKING