If the toughest part of business is landing that new customer, the second toughest part is getting them to come back! The innovative Printer@Work email newsletter helps you sell more printing by generating that much-needed repeat business, with style! This time-tested feature has been a part of our websites for more than 12 years, with more than 300 publications produced.

Here’s a question that pops up every so often when a printer is checking out Websites For Printers: How big are the files customers can send using the Send a File tool? It’s become way too easy to take file transfers for granted. After all, it’s just like flipping a light switch: flip the switch, electricity flows, and the light turns

Every year, my wife and I talk about planting a tree. This has been going on now for the last 15 years, and, finally, I am happy to report that we have followed through and planted three trees this past Memorial Day weekend. The Best Time to Plant There is a Chinese proverb that says, “The best time to plant a

Every day at Marketing Ideas For Printers we have a daily check-in meeting. According to Patrick Lencioni, this meeting is one of the kinds of meetings found in healthy organizations. In his book The Advantage, Lencioni explains why these daily check-in meetings are so important and effective: It’s about the team getting into the habit of gathering once a day, for no more than ten minutes,

How do you know if you’re a leader? Turn around and take a look. Is anyone following you? If so, then you’re a leader! Mark Twain’s quote puts it even more cleverly: He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk. It’s so easy to let the term “leadership” become synonymous with owning a business

Not too long ago, I became intrigued by a book mentioned by one of my favorite influencers, Michael Hyatt. The book Michael was referring to was Greg Mckeown’s Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. Just inside the jacket cover was this profound statement: Essentialism isn’t about getting more done in less time. It’s about getting only the right things done. If life has you running around in five

Think back to a time before the Internet. (My kids always give me a puzzled look when I tell them that such a time actually existed!) Print buyers ordered printing face-to-face over a front counter or voice-to-voice over a phone. That still happens, but today’s print buyers order printing from your website, too! It’s easy to be friendly face-to-face, but are you

There’s a lot of noise out there in the world of social media, and it can be downright difficult to stand out in the sea of noise! But, it’s not impossible. Here’s a tip that will help increase the odds of landing in your Facebook followers’ timelines with more frequency: Add some video! The next time you’re ready to add

Congratulations, you’ve started your new direct mail marketing campaign! You’ve faithfully sent out your newsletter for six months in a row. And…crickets. Nothing. You wonder…is it really even working? Self-doubt starts to kick in and you think: Is this campaign even worth it? Should I try to keep this campaign alive? The “Grass is Always Greener” Trap Each campaign you send needs to

Have you ever had that feeling that things are “just a little too comfortable?” Your day is predictable. Your next move is on auto-pilot. All of a sudden, you’re in a rut. I found myself in one of those ruts with the way I used my computer, and that’s why I decided to replace my Windows computer with a Mac. This

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