Use Videos to Get More Attention from Facebook

There’s a lot of noise out there in the world of social media, and it can be downright difficult to stand out in the sea of noise! But, it’s not impossible. Here’s a tip that will help increase the odds of landing in your Facebook followers’ timelines with more frequency: Add some video!


The next time you’re ready to add content to Facebook, make a video introduction. Here’s a basic step-by-step walkthrough of the process.

Shoot a Good Video Introduction

It all starts with a good video. Notice I said a good video, not a perfect video. It’s easy to get lost in the weeds and aim for perfect. Usually perfect is a good thing, but in this case good is acceptable because the purpose of the video is simply to lead the greatest number of visitors possible to the content you’re highlighting.

It’s easier than ever to make a good video these days. Smart phones and any number of inexpensive digital devices are all up to the task. You won’t get perfect video, but you will get good video.

Facebook loves video content, so it makes sense that if you can get the attention of Facebook, then Facebook will reciprocate and present your video (and the content it’s introducing) to more of your followers. Remember that we’re using the video as a vehicle to the content, it’s not the featured content. If the video happens to be memorable too, consider that to be icing on the cake.

You’ve got a good video, now it’s time to add the video…and your content…to Facebook.

Add the Video and Content to Facebook

To add your video, go to your Facebook page. Click the Photo/Video option in your status area and upload your video; your video will then start uploading.

Take a look at the upload area. Facebook is inviting you to say something about the video you just uploaded. That’s where you add the content. Do what Facebook expects by saying something about the video; it can be as simple as summarizing the same thing you’re saying in the video. Keep it short, no more than two or three lines, because you’ll want to save that space for the next step.

Here’s the glue that holds it all together: Add a link to your content. Facebook doesn’t say you can add a link when you’re talking about the video, but you can and should! (I suggest you use a link shortener like to keep the link as short and tidy as possible.)




The End Result

Here’s an example of what a Facebook post with a video introduction might look like:


You can see the end result at It’s just a video, a short description and a link to the content. It’s nothing fancy, but it gets the job done quickly and efficiently!

When to Use a Video Introduction

Video introductions are great for drawing attention to your website, and for giving your social media posts an occasional boost. Subscribers to The Buzz should consider adding a video introduction every so often to introduce the Facebook posts.

It takes a little extra time to create and post the video introduction, but not much. If you have something particularly newsworthy and want Facebook’s help to bring more attention to your news, then a video introduction might provide just the boost you need!

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