Times sure are changing, aren’t they? A few years ago, I could post on any one of a half dozen websites for a job at my printing company, and I would be inundated with resumes. Today, with record low unemployment, the task is much more difficult. For me, this is especially trued when trying to hire good CSRs (Customer Service

Consumer Reports, Printer@Work, Websites, Marketing Ideas For Printers

We received notification from one of our content partners, alerting us of their decision to discontinue distribution of twice-weekly content from Consumer Reports. For you, that means the Consumer Reports content that is linked to your Printer@Work email newsletter will be phased out. Here are some dates for you to be aware of: The last Consumer Reports content that will be published to

Here's How You Eat An Elephant, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Odyssey, MIS

You’ve started your next big project. It’s the big idea that will leapfrog you past other printers competing with you. It’s the revolutionary change that will usher in your next period of success. And it’s intimidating. You’ve lost your momentum, and you’re stuck. The mighty elephant in the room is your obstacle. It’s easy to see, but at the same

Cut to the Quick, Marketing Ideas for Printers, Ideas Collection, Websites

Practice makes perfect! If you’ve ever played piano or any other musical instrument, chances are you remember the time spent honing a select performance piece. You could play that piece almost flawlessly, but two or three sections still made you stumble. The solution? Isolating those critical measures and practicing muscle memory repeatedly until perfection. Increase Proficiency with Keyboard Shortcuts Help your

If Everyone Wins at SEO, then No-one Wins, Websites, Marketing Ideas For Printers,

Something we hear a lot is, “Do I really need to care about SEO on my website? I mean, aren’t you guys already taking care of that for me?” To get you an honest answer to that question, let’s unpack that a little. We’ll show you what we do to help you get the best search engine optimization (SEO) results,

Let the Sparks Fly, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Websites, Ideas Collection

As sparks are to fire, inspiration is to great design. The word “spark” has become synonymous with life, vitality, or the heated release of anger, passion, or creativity. A creative spark is sometimes all it takes to inspire a grand slam idea. That’s why this month we’ve included a second BONUS design tip to every website from Marketing Ideas For

Cut Through the Clutter with Beautiful Print Promotions, Websites, Ideas Collection, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Average media consumers are staggering under the weight of spam e-mails and information overload. Think you can’t compete? Think again! While your customers may believe print advertising has grown stale, the “digital deluge” means there has never been a better time to highlight beautiful print promotions. Rules of the Road The newest design tip in our Ideas Collection, available on

MIS, Odyssey, Marketing Ideas For Printers, Print MIS Reliability Check: Hard Drive or Internet?

A frequent question that comes up when printers explore moving to any cloud-based service is: What happens if my internet connection goes down? Our new Print MIS, Odyssey, is a cloud-based service, so it’s important to us that you get a clear answer to that question. If internet reliability is a concern in your area, then a cloud-based MIS service like Odyssey

Strike Up A Conversation With Social Marketing, Social Marketing, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Remember going to social functions with your parents as a kid and being told to “go mingle”? In complete, angelic obedience you’d work up the nerve to infiltrate a group of kids that looked way smarter and, of course, way cooler than you. But then, just when you were ready to open your mouth and say something brilliant, you realized

Marketing Ideas For Printers, Are You Sure Your Software Is Up-To-Date?, Direct Mail

Recently, a customer contacted us looking for help with customizing their direct mail content. They had experienced a series of weird hiccups while trying to open their Adobe InDesign file with no clear indication of what to do next. After some digging, we discovered that their version of Adobe InDesign was outdated and had been corrupted. Thankfully, they subscribed to

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