Social Media, Social Marketing, Marketing Ideas For Printers, If You Build It They Will Come

Social media content complements every aspect of your existing marketing by helping you stay connected with prospects and customers. Each week, we provide twelve unique pieces of social media content that printers can use to stay front-of-mind with their customers, and to: Engage, Enlighten, Encourage and especially…just be yourself! Social media is a community effort; everyone is an asset. – Susan Cooper, Social Media Strategist. Take a look at some of the social media content printer’s used this past week over four different marketing channels:     Twitter: Five tweets, including this one: The Key to Local Marketing: Blending Online and Offline   Facebook: Three Facebook posts. Here’s one of them: Don’t Have Time To Work Out During The Week? That’s Actually OK   LinkedIn: Two LinkedIn posts, including: Selling To A Reluctant Audience: Marketing Hacks From Late-Night TV And The Fitness Industry   Blog: Two blog posts, entitled Visual Marketing Content Trends to Prepare For in 2017 and The Amazing Power of Peer Pressure in Groups. Here’s an excerpt from The Amazing Power of Peer Pressure in Groups: People are fundamentally social creatures, so those who want to be decision-makers need to understand how to use social influence to their advantage,

There’s a lot of noise out there in the world of social media, and it can be downright difficult to stand out in the sea of noise! But, it’s not impossible. Here’s a tip that will help increase the odds of landing in your Facebook followers’ timelines with more frequency: Add some video! The next time you’re ready to add content to Facebook, make a video introduction. Here’s a basic step-by-step walkthrough of the process. Shoot a Good Video Introduction It all starts with a good video. Notice I said a good video, not a perfect video. It’s easy to get lost in the weeds and aim for perfect. Usually perfect is a good thing, but in this case good is acceptable because the purpose of the video is simply to lead the greatest number of visitors possible to the content you’re highlighting. It’s easier than ever to make a good video these days. Smart phones and any number of inexpensive digital devices are all up to the task. You won’t get perfect video, but you will get good video. Facebook loves video content, so it makes sense that if you can get the attention of Facebook, then Facebook will reciprocate and present your video (and the content it’s introducing) to more of your followers. Remember

Would you use a hammer to cut a slice of bread? Would you use a screwdriver to inflate your tires? Of course not! So, you wouldn’t use a personal profile to promote your business on Facebook, would you? It’s important to use the right tool for the job, and Facebook is no different. So if you want to promote your business on Facebook, you want to make sure you’re using the right tool: a Business Page. Here are some important features that are available to you through a business page that simply aren’t available through a standard personal page: Professionalism: Personal pages used for business are seen by users as unprofessional. Not a good way to introduce yourself to the social markets. Unlimited Friends: Did you know personal pages have a friend limit? Business pages don’t have any limits to the number of friends (fans) they can have — the sky’s the limit! Access to Facebook Insights: Facebook has a powerful, built-in analytics tool specifically designed for business pages. You have no idea what kind of impact your personal page has…but you can find out everything about your business page’s impact! Advertising: Having a business page gets you access to