Time flies . . . except when it doesn’t. In our multi-tasking, WiFi world, every stalled moment seems accentuated. Inconvenient holdups cause us near physical pain. And perhaps they should! Did you know that in the course of one year, an average adult will spend four and a half days waiting? Over a lifetime this totals nearly a full year delayed in traffic, on hold, or in some type of line.
Streamlined and Simplified
Time is a cherished commodity. Each day we get a fleeting 1,440 new minutes to connect, to make substantial progress, and to create meaningful opportunities. Enhanced connectivity pushes us to increase output while decreasing expense, so simplicity is more appealing than ever.
Gain the Local Edge Today
Use the August edition of our Local Edge direct mail postcard to remind your customers and prospects of the efficiency of local print. While big-box printing can result in a long, impersonal guessing game, your clients can rest easy as they look to you as a full-production, single source option for all their printing needs. Whether it’s artistic design, custom formatting, production samples, personal consulting, or immaculately finished pieces, your expertise will help them simplify and save from start to finish.
Make it Easy for Your Customers and You
Encourage customers to streamline production with the simplicity you can offer. From concept to completion, your personalized care will put them at ease.
Simplify your monthly marketing and showcase your services by investing in the Local Edge direct mail postcard package. To get started with Local Edge, give us a call today at (701) 241-9204 or (800) 736-0688 or click below to get started and download some free samples.