I like to think of myself as a bit of a freak when it comes to keeping things organized. There are a handful of tools in my organizational tool belt, and one of my favorites is Workflowy. If you’re looking for a way to keep all of your planning, thoughts, and ideas in one place, then check out Workflowy. Here’s how the creators

Do you value excellence in your organization? You kinda have to answer “Yes” to that question, don’t you? Chris Locurto is one of my go-to leadership experts, and Chris wrote a blog post that explores the idea of excellence. It’s a two-minute read. Give it a look: Excellence is Created, Not Demanded. Here’s one of the points Chris makes: …put a process

Every so often, I’ll hear one of our Websites For Printers customers get frustrated that their customers just don’t seem to want to embrace ecommerce. One of our customers was, in fact, very adamant in saying his main goal for using his website was simply to act as a tool to encourage customers to start telephone conversations. He was more

DesignEdit’s Ready! Here Are Your Next Steps DesignEdit, the online design tool businesses and consumers love to use to create print-ready design online launches today! Now that DesignEdit is ready for use, here’s what you need to do to make it ready for your customers: Kick the tires on our demo site It wouldn’t hurt to know what the fuss is

Pop quiz: How were you directed to the latest “viral” video or photo online? (Hint: Not through Google!) There once was a time when it seemed like social media was just a fad that could be safely ignored, but those days are far behind now. When it comes to getting your message spread far and wide by your strongest supporters,

Would you use a hammer to cut a slice of bread? Would you use a screwdriver to inflate your tires? Of course not! So, you wouldn’t use a personal profile to promote your business on Facebook, would you? It’s important to use the right tool for the job, and Facebook is no different. So if you want to promote your

The members of our development team are some of our most highly sought-after resources, so we closely guard the time available to them. While we don’t make our development schedule publicly available, we thought you might find the process we use to determine their projects kind of interesting. Here’s how we decide what our development team works on. We started

This week our support team fielded a request from one of our customers concerning the purchase of an additional domain name. Our customer had been approached by an opportunistic domain name broker / reseller offering to sell the domain name SomethingSimilarToTheirs.com. (Well, not that domain name, but you know what we mean! If our customer’s domain name was AcmePrintingUSA.com, the

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