Rackspace, our email technology partner, has been working through a disruption in service since yesterday morning (July 13th, 2017) making it a tough couple of days for a lot of you, and for us, too. Email is like oxygen these days, and we want you to know that we are right here with you in this and are feeling the frustration right alongside you. We partner with Rackspace for our email server because they’re the best, most reliable solution 99.9% of the time. Right now, though, we’re experiencing the other 0.1% of the time as they sort through issues with the email server. Typically, these interruptions of service are little blips that are resolved quickly, however, this one seems to be a big one. Rackspace is currently working hard to fix this problem, and we are hoping it will be up and running again soon. If you’d like to keep an eye on the progress Rackspace is making, you can take a look at their real-time updates on their status update page. We wish we could offer more information as to when the issue will be resolved, but currently, we are passing along as much as we know from Rackspace.

Be Prepared for the Next Phase of the Canadian Anti-Spam Law, Email, Printer@Work, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Back in December 2010, Canada passed a sweeping anti-spam law that entered into force on July 1, 2014. The super-short version of the law that’s important to our Canadian printers is this: Before sending any electronic messages, you are required to have the consent (permission) of the recipient. (Note that “electronic messages” means more than email; it also includes messages sent to social networking accounts and text messages sent to a cell phone.) At this point, you may be thinking, “It’s 2017, and this is old news. Why are you telling me this now?” Well, although you may already be aware of the law, what you may not be aware of is that this new law is wrapping up a “breaking in” period of three years, with the full force of the law taking effect this summer. Starting July 1, 2017, individuals or organizations affected by those violating the law will be able to pursue court actions to seek actual and statutory damages (up to $1 million for individuals, and $10 million for business). Some Quick Tips To make sure you’re prepared, here are some quick tips to help you navigate Canada’s anti-spam law: If you obtained express consent from your recipient before the law went into effect

We will soon be relaunching the ezMail website at EmailMarketingForPrinters.com, and with that relaunch, you’ll learn about the new path of email marketing offered by Marketing Ideas For Printers. Spoiler Alert: ezMail is being phased out to make way for the more robust marketing tools planned for the all-new Print Management Information System (Print MIS) from Marketing Ideas For Printers, code-named “Odyssey.” Not only will Odyssey manage the day-to-day activities of print production, but it will also include a marketing suite to connect you with your prospects and customers at every stage of the print-buying cycle. When the ezMail website relaunches on Thursday, December 8, 2016, all free ezMail plans will be discontinued, and ezMail will be removed from all Grow and Conquer website bundles. However, ezMail will continue to be available for all current ezMail subscribers with a paid subscription, as well as for all active users of an ezMail account included in a Grow or Conquer website bundle. (“Active” means the ezMail account has been accessed between January 1, 2016, and November 28, 2016.) With ezMail subscriptions soon to be no longer available (except for our existing customers with active ezMail accounts), it’s time to check out Odyssey, the future of email marketing for printers! CHECK OUT ODYSSEY

Email, the greatest productivity enhancer since the beginning of time! Yeah, right… I look at email all day long. (Well, I intentionally turn it off sometimes to keep it from becoming a distraction, but that’s a post for another time.) At the end of a solid day of work, the last thing I want to do is look at any more emails. Yuck! Email at Home So what do I do when I get home? Anything but check my email. When I ignore my home email, I always have this little twinge of fear that I may have missed something important. I don’t think my fear is full-blown FOMO, but I do worry about missing that all-important note from school that says an after-school activity has been cancelled, which means there’s a chance my son is standing all alone on a sidewalk somewhere wondering why no one is picking him up. Back to email. One of the reasons I get so weary of checking my email at home is because our family email account has become a collection bin for every digital thing we’ve ever been exposed to: Digital receipts from the department store, reminders from the dentist, a notice that someone new is

Earlier this summer, my family took a fun vacation to the beautiful Black Hills area of South Dakota. One of the best parts of going on that vacation actually happened before I even left, when I received this note from Rachel, my personal assistant: “Let me know if you need to touch base on anything before your vacation or if I can help you out with anything additional while you’re gone. We need to make sure your brain doesn’t float back this direction for a whole week, so be sure to let me know what I can carry while you’re away.” How wonderful is that?!? Rachel is my secret weapon. She helps keep things manageable, and allows me to take worry-free vacations. I Don’t Like Auto-Responders I don’t know about you, but I always cringe a little bit when I send an email and instantly get a vacation/out of the office auto-responder email. They always sound like this to me: Thanks for sending your email. I care about you, but I don’t care enough to make sure that your email gets handled properly when I’m gone. After all, I’m on vacation and I’m not worrying about anything! So, if you think you still need some

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