Sometimes offering innovative solutions to your print buyers and selling more printing can be as easy as a simple formula. If you’re struggling to capture the attention of your audience and are looking for new ways to shine the light on your printing business, check out these two solutions that, when combined, bring you the increase you’ve been looking for. Dynamic QR Codes QR codes have been around for a while. These small, but mighty little boxes of code magic have helped businesses around the world gain brand visibility and drive traffic to their websites. One famous QR code that you might be familiar with is that of CoinBase and their legendary Super Bowl ad this year. The ad was amazing simple and incredibly effective, featuring one QR code that bounced around a black television screen and changed colors. Add in a little 80s arcade music, and wham! All of sudden you have not only the winner of the “Super Clio” for best Super Bowl commercial, but also 20 million users to CoinBase’s site within one minute! Dynamic Versus Static QR Codes While many are familiar with QR codes, not as many are familiar with the differences between dynamic and

For any print business to succeed, you need customers! And, in times like we’ve all just experienced in 2020, you need customers for life that will weather whatever political candidates, pandemics, or other challenges may come, and who still stick it out and choose to do business with you. How can you be sure to make your printing business “sticky” enough to propel your business forward? It starts by laying the right foundation. The Foundation of Customer Retention Take a moment to consider a business you’re fiercely loyal to and think about why that is. If you’re like most of the other billions of consumers in the world, you’ll probably land around two things: customer service and ease of use. If you order your groceries online from your grocery store, for example, your purchase history, payment options, and saved items are all stored there for you. And, switching grocery stores would mean that you’d lose all that valuable information and would have to start over. (That sounds like work, doesn’t it?) Now, consider that same line of thinking from your print buyers’ point of view. What would a printer (yes, you)  need to provide for it to be too much work

Editing, Adobe Illustrator, Marketing Ideas For Printers

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.” For example: You can put a water hose in your car’s gas tank, but you probably shouldn’t. You can use the same password for all of your internet accounts, but you probably shouldn’t. You can use Adobe Illustrator to edit PDF files, but you probably shouldn’t. “Yep, uh-huh, wait… what? Why shouldn’t I use Adobe Illustrator to edit our PDF files?”  Why Adobe Illustrator isn’t an Ideal PDF Editor Not too long ago, an update was applied to the engine that powers uDesignIt!, an MI4P website add-on that allows print buyers to personalize documents on printers’ websites. The update came with all the “normal” update stuff you’d expect, such as better performance, enhancements, etc. It also took care of some housekeeping items on the way PDFs are produced. The only downside of the update is that it caused the PDFs that are created as a result of using uDesignIt! to be less friendly when edited in Adobe Illustrator. The Real Question (And Answer) If you’re asking: “Less friendly? Does this mean I can’t use Adobe Illustrator to edit PDFs created by uDesignIT! any longer?”, the

Customer Retention For Printers, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Customer retention is the foundation of any business, including yours. If you want your print business to thrive, it’s essential that you have the tools available to your customers to easily order from you again and again. As the late American engineer, statistician, and business consultant William Edwards Deming once said, “Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your product or service, and that bring friends with them.” Are your print buyers boasting about ordering online with your company? If not, it’s time to consider tools that will propel you forward on your quest to instantly boost your customer retention. Laying the Foundation for Retention For printers, customer retention starts by finding ways to make yourself “sticky.” For your print buyers, sticky means they have: An easily accessible order history A no-fuss way to quickly reorder what they’re looking for Reduced decision making, not having to know all of the details because you (the printer) already have them stored with each product for reordering Here are three tools available to you that will help you create just the kind of “stickiness” you’re looking for. Check out the webinar below! Want more great tips like this? Sign up

We have a small, yet powerful update for printers using uDesignIt! on Websites For Printers websites. Your customers can now have their physical address information auto-fill the form for document personalization. Business cards provide the perfect case study. Up to this point with uDesignIt!, the website has used your customer’s account information (name, phone number, email address, etc.) to pre-populate information in the document being personalized. A pre-populated order form with a preview of the finished document looks something like this: But, notice there’s something missing: the address information. The difficulty comes when your customer’s account contains multiple addresses. For example, they may have a work address and a home address associated with their account. Which address information should the website use to pre-populate the order form? Now, your customer can decide! Here’s what happens: If there’s only one address in the customer’s account, it’s pretty straightforward; the website uses that address. However, if there are multiple addresses associated with the customer’s account, the website will default to the last address used and allow the customer to select a different address. Here’s a short 30-second video that shows how it all comes together.     It’s ridiculously simple for your customers to use, and the best part is, it’s