Sometimes offering innovative solutions to your print buyers and selling more printing can be as easy as a simple formula. If you’re struggling to capture the attention of your audience and are looking for new ways to shine the light on your printing business, check out these two solutions that, when combined, bring you the increase you’ve been looking for. Dynamic QR Codes QR codes have been around for a while. These small, but mighty little boxes of code magic have helped businesses around the world gain brand visibility and drive traffic to their websites. One famous QR code that you might be familiar with is that of CoinBase and their legendary Super Bowl ad this year. The ad was amazing simple and incredibly effective, featuring one QR code that bounced around a black television screen and changed colors. Add in a little 80s arcade music, and wham! All of sudden you have not only the winner of the “Super Clio” for best Super Bowl commercial, but also 20 million users to CoinBase’s site within one minute! Dynamic Versus Static QR Codes While many are familiar with QR codes, not as many are familiar with the differences between dynamic and