A new issue of Coffee Break will soon be ready! Coffee Break exists to bring a little levity to the lives of your customers. In the midst of the workday, a moment of laughter can go a long way. Your customers will remember that feeling and look forward to receiving this humor newsletter month after month. All You Need Is

Combine laughter with a great cup of coffee to create the perfect prescription for a long afternoon. Our fun, colorful Coffee Break newsletter is just what the doctor ordered to help your customers and prospects get back that pep in their step, and they’ll have you to thank for it. Espresso Yourself Create a strong, front-of-mind awareness about your printing firm

We are looking forward to beginning a new year with not just one, but two new looks! Our Coffee Break and FastStart direct-mail packages have undergone a makeover, and both have fresh new contemporary looks. You have come to rely on our Dingbat/Coffee Break package to deliver humor and unveil interesting dates in history ever since 1989. Along with that,

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