Introducing FastStart and Coffee Break 2.0!

We are looking forward to beginning a new year with not just one, but two new looks! Our Coffee Break and FastStart direct-mail packages have undergone a makeover, and both have fresh new contemporary looks.

You have come to rely on our Dingbat/Coffee Break package to deliver humor and unveil interesting dates in history ever since 1989. Along with that, our FastStart postcard/mailer has offered the timeless message of “we’re a printer and here is what we print” since 1993. With 27 years of proven results, it’d be easy to think “why fix what’s not broken?” Well, with anything we offer to help you sell more printing, we want to be constantly looking for ways to do things even better and keep you current and in touch with your customer base.

So, are you excited to see what’s in the future for these two popular offerings?

Coffee Break Keeps Your Customers Smiling!

Dingbat/Coffee Break will now simply be known as Coffee Break. The Dingbat name originated by playing off of the font name Zapf Dingbat. That font name might not be as recognizable these days, and we feel that Coffee Break better reflects the purpose of the content, to grab a cup of coffee, take a break, and enjoy a good laugh.

If you’re in love with the name Dingbat, though, don’t worry. It is not completely gone. We will continue to leave it as an optional nameplate feature for you hardcore Dingbat purists out there.

The new Coffee Break publication will offer fresh, contemporary humor-filled cartoons in full color, some corny (and not-so-corny) jokes, and a unique top ten list. The masthead will have a brand new look, and the calendar on the backside reminds you that every day is a celebration! We’ve even added additional space to the calendar, so you have room to write in celebrations of your own. Last, but certainly not least is, of course, dedicated ad space included for your personalization.

Use the new and improved Coffee Break as a leave behind when you’re visiting prospects.

FastStart Promotes Your Products

FastStart, a monthly postcard and mailer, has been a reliable way to get your message out to your local businesses consistently and fast for the last 23 years. So, what’s changing? We’re refreshing the lineup of products promoted by FastStart to keep it relevant and focus on more popular products.

The FastStart postcard will feature products printers want to sell like business cards, postcards, coupons, and more. Printing has changed over the years, and so should your marketing.

Coming November 15

At Marketing Ideas For Printers, we will continue to work hard to provide the most up to date, timely, and accurate sales and marketing solutions that you can personalize as your own.

Look for the first download of the all-new Coffee Break and FastStart to arrive on November 15th. Not currently subscribed to Direct Mail For Printers? Please call now at 701-241-9204 and let us help you sell more printing with direct mail.

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