Meet the Team Joanna Erber, Marketing Ideas For Printers

What do you get when you combine “caring” and “intentional?” You get our amazing team member, Joanna! Joanna has been a part of our team at Marketing Ideas For Printers as the Financial Services Director but recently became our Integrator. That means on top of the financial services she’s focused on project management, communications, and executing our business plan. Being

Are you going to be at Print 17? Great! We are, too, and we’d love to meet you there! We’ll be at the show in Booth 351, so stop by and say “Hi!” In our booth: A New Print MIS, DesignEdit 2, and John Henry. Get on the Calendar Better yet, if you’d like to reserve some uninterrupted talk-time, here’s a direct link to the

meet the team, marketing ideas for printers

Kim is one of the graphic designers here at Marketing Ideas For Printers. Her creative eye for design and artistic talents have been instrumental in our direct mail content for the past two decades. A Unique History Kim first learned about what would someday become Marketing Ideas For Printers when she attended some of the Express Press Walk of Fame events

Marketing Ideas For Printers, MIS, Meet the Team: Justin Carlson, Team

What do you get when you combine the words “creative” and “analytical”? You get “create-alitical,” and that’s the word Justin Carlson on our Customer Care Team uses to describe himself. Justin is our resident comedian. He’s the guy that ensures there’s at least one light-hearted moment at every company meeting. He is quick to listen, eager to help, and seems

  One of my favorite times of each week is when coworkers share their weekly Highs and Lows with me. It’s a pretty simple ritual: I send out an email to all of the Marketing Ideas For Printers coworkers on Friday morning sharing one of the high points of the week, and a low point. I then ask the coworkers