“I don’t have a clue what to talk about. I’m not an expert. How can I write about something like that?” These are the common thoughts that surround the idea of blogging. (Can you relate?) Blogging isn’t as scary as it seems though. All it takes is an idea, a question, or a pain point to address. Donald Miller, the author of Building a Story Brand, says it like this: The more we talk about the problems our customers experience, the more interest they will have in our brand. The problems your customers are experiencing reach far outside the scope of their printing needs. Your customers are small business owners or employees themselves, and it’s important you seek to provide content that speaks to that. After all, when you seek to understand the problems of your audience, you can create content that is genuinely useful to them, and once you do that, well, you’re golden as they say. Your Ultimate List of Blog Topic Ideas Here are 45 (yes, 45!) ideas to get you started. 1) Advertising trends What’s working and what’s not. 2) Blogging Seems ironic, don’t you think? A blog on blogging. But yes, it can be done! 3) Books What