“I don’t have a clue what to talk about. I’m not an expert. How can I write about something like that?”
These are the common thoughts that surround the idea of blogging. (Can you relate?)
Blogging isn’t as scary as it seems though.
All it takes is an idea, a question, or a pain point to address. Donald Miller, the author of Building a Story Brand, says it like this:
The more we talk about the problems our customers experience, the more interest they will have in our brand.
The problems your customers are experiencing reach far outside the scope of their printing needs. Your customers are small business owners or employees themselves, and it’s important you seek to provide content that speaks to that.
After all, when you seek to understand the problems of your audience, you can create content that is genuinely useful to them, and once you do that, well, you’re golden as they say.
Your Ultimate List of Blog Topic Ideas
Here are 45 (yes, 45!) ideas to get you started.
1) Advertising trends
What’s working and what’s not.
2) Blogging
Seems ironic, don’t you think? A blog on blogging. But yes, it can be done!
3) Books
What books are you reading? Or, maybe a list of your top 5 favorite business books.
4) Branding
The what, why, and how. Tips and tricks. Could even throw some print in there.
5) Career growth
Information and inspiration to help take your career to the next step.
6) Communication
Whether employee to customer, boss to employee, or peer to peer, this one will hit home with everyone.
7) Community
What’s happening in your community? Or, how are you building an environment of community/unity in the workplace?
8) Competitive Advantage
How can your customers gain the edge on their competition? Consider interviewing a top client that is doing this well.
9) Competitors
What are you doing better than other companies? Pro tip: Don’t make this about you. Make it about how your customers can tackle their competition. No one likes a bragger, but a guide… you bet!
10) Consumers
How have buying habits and patterns changed? Create a blog on how your customers can stay relevant to their audience.
11) Content
Is content still king? What types of content should you have for an effective marketing strategy? How important is the content in my print marketing materials?
12) Creativity
Highlight ways to outshine others by thinking outside the box and adding some of your own unique creativity.
13) Customer Service
This one might seem like a no-brainer. Focus on what works for customer service and what doesn’t. This topic would also work great with lists. For example, “X Ways to Excel at Customer Service.” Or, the opposite, “X Mistakes You’re Making with Your Customer Service.”
14) Design
What tips and tricks work well? What doesn’t? You could talk about techniques, color schemes, print versus digital, the options are limitless!
15) Direct Mail
Tackle the myth that print is dead with a solid piece on why and how direct mail works. Feeling ambitious? Add a cool infographic to illustrate your point.
16) eBooks
Do I need an ebook as part of my marketing strategy? Should I use it as gated content? What should I talk about? Address these questions and more with a piece on eBooks.
17) E-Commerce
The pros and cons of listing your prices online. Can you afford not to have online ordering at your company?
18) Education
Research free online classes that you think would be of benefit to your audience.
19) Efficiency
Everyone wants to streamline their sales funnel and production. What are some tips that would help them with this?
20) Entrepreneurship
From one entrepreneur to another, there’s a wealth of knowledge and inspiration that could be passed along.
21) Feedback/Criticism
Every company has experienced their fair share of negative feedback and criticism that has been less than constructive. How do you handle it? How do you implement steps to avoid it?
22) Health
You could focus on workplace wellness or tips on how to manage taking care of yourself while also taking care of a company.
23) How To
The world is your oyster here. How to: create a procedure manual, start an email campaign, print more inexpensively, set goals, get back on track, etc.
24) Human Resources
How do you handling hiring and firing? What do you look for in potential hires?
25) Innovation
We all need to step out and try new things. How do you find time to get the day to day out of the way and focus on innovating and what’s next for your business?
26) Inspiration
Perhaps you admire an innovator that inspires you to try new things. Tell your prospects and customers about it.
27) Leadership/Managment
Being the leader of the pack is not easy. Let us know how you cultivate your leadership skills and what traits you feel make a great leader.
28) Marketing
Print marketing. Digital marketing. Which one is right for me? How can I get my business noticed and my sales funnel overflowing?
29) Meetings
Does it seem like you’re always in meetings? Here are X guidelines to know when a meeting is necessary. Or, try these X tips for more efficient meetings.
30) Networking
Connections are key in any business. What are you doing to get out there and make the connections you need to grow your business? Here are X reasons why your network makes up your net worth.
31) Organization
Losing sales because you’re not as organized as you should be? Streamline your order process with these tips. Or, how to never be without collateral again (tip to reorder reminders).
32) Packaging
Here’s what your packaging says about your brand.
33) Personal Growth
When you take your work hat off, what’s left? Remember to take care of who you are outside of work. Focus on goal setting, health, wellness, family, etc.
34) Privacy/Security
Explore simple tips to boost their security online. Or, if you’re uncomfortable with that, consider speaking to the safety of print — how print marketing never gets hacked.
35) Productivity
X Ways Your Productivity May Be Suffering. How can you boost productivity without sacrificing your soul?
36) Quotes
Share your favorite quotes on different topics like customer service, consistency, leadership, and more. If you’re inspired, more than likely your audience will be too.
37) Reputation
Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Here’s how we work to protect ours.
38) Sales
How to boost sales through print. Quick sales tips. You could even do a “What’s trending in sales?” and curate content from other sales industry leaders.
39) Small Business
How to start a small business. What print marketing do I need to run a business? Creating an exit plan for a small business.
40) Social Media
How to combine social media marketing with your print marketing efforts. What and when to post.
41) Teamwork
Share your thoughts and idea on creating a teamwork environment within your company. Or, share examples of great teamwork you’ve seen or that’s inspired you.
42) Time Management
We all get the same 24 hours in a day. Here are X helpful ways for you to make the most of them.
43) Trade Shows
Are you prepared for your upcoming trade shows? Here are X ways to get the most out of your tradeshows. You could also speak to the benefits that print marketing or promotional items will have on their show.
44) Word-of-Mouth
How to get your message heard using simple word-of-mouth marketing techniques. You could also explore how to create an effective referral program.
45) Writing
Words can make all the difference. Learn to clarify your marketing message with these X words.
Have ideas of your own that you’d like to share? Let us know which blog topics have worked well for you in the comments below!