The day-to-day effort it takes to own and operate a print business can leave little time for anything else. But when the daily grind keeps you head-down and plugging away, time can pass by much more quickly than you realize. By the time you do get a chance to look up, you might be surprised that things you once thought were running like a well-oiled machine now need a little freshening up. Freshen Up Your Print Website with These 7 Tips If it’s been a while since you’ve focused your attention on your website, here are seven ways you can breathe new life into your website. 1. Try Out a New Website Theme One of the quickest and easiest ways to revamp your website is to give it a facelift with a new theme. Whether you want to stand out and be a print hero, like clean styles or eye-catching video, or simply prefer to highlight your local presence, you can easily find the perfect starting point to a whole new look.  As your print business evolves, so should your website. Does your current look and feel reflect your business now and in the new future? Or, does your website