Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a tree? Well, let me tell you because I am a tree. Most people have a one-sided perspective of trees, such as trees being nothing more than cozy homes for birds, squirrels, and other cute (but annoying to trees) animals. Or trees as the subject of famous poems. Lately, people have been building elaborate homes in trees because they want to live off the ground and away from dirty, noisy cities. Some civilizations even worship us trees and attribute magical properties to us. People love me!   But, speaking confidentially, as tree to human, I am not the calm, enduring tree you think I am. In fact, I worry about a lot of things, especially about what happens to me when I die. I like to think that when the time comes for me to go, it is for a good cause. You see, trees understand that humans need wood for survival and economic purposes. But please, don’t cut me down just to be left to die a meaningless death in the forest. Rumor has it that some businesses are wanting to build strip malls and parking lots (just what humans need more