A Proven Winner

Results. Whether it’s weight loss, test scores, or finances, tangible success is the payoff everyone wants. Your customers are eager to acquire customers and increase profits; it’s your job to sell them on PRINT as the strategic solution they need.

Success Starts Here

Start here! A 2015 DMA Response Rate Report found that, when it comes to results, direct mail consistently outperforms all digital marketing options. Direct mail allows readers to comprehend, process, and remember material more quickly and easily, with postcards and envelopes eliciting the best overall response. Think about how quickly you process your own mail – ‘bill, letter, junk, ad, … ’ It takes merely a split second to accept or discard each piece. Postcards put the message front and center as soon as the printed piece hits their hand.

Front and Center with Eye-Popping Postcards

The August design tip, available on every website provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers, features postcards as a simple way to guarantee rapid results. Our design tip offers several pointers to get your clients started:

  • Get to the Point.
    Postcards should have one obvious call to action. Understanding the audience and key message will drive design, with branding that will reinforce this theme.
  • Attention-Grabbing Design.
    Even classy postcards can have some sizzle, whether it’s font, bright colors, foil, or creative cardstock and graphic combinations.
  • Don’t Be Boring.
    People receive loads of mail each week, and postcards have a split second to catch their attention. A sharp layout is great, but be sure to integrate this with a lively message to keep them reading past the headline.

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