It’s the most hard-hitting copy you’ll ever craft. Guaranteed, hands down. Your tagline can provoke attention, accentuate your abilities, and make you irresistible to prospective customers. Conversely, it can confuse prospects, increase bounce rates on your website, and even cost you money because confused buyers don’t buy. Your tagline is a huge advantage when in competitive situations. So, when you fail at it, you end up losing an opportunity (that you probably won’t get back) to communicate your value. Here’s why your tagline so important, and how you can write a tagline that can ultimately help your print business sell more printing. 1. Make it about your customers’ pain points, and not about you. Your customers and prospects don’t want to only hear about you and your business. It’s true; they don’t. It’s the most common mistake to make, and it happens because we assume that everybody cares about our business the same way that we do. Your prospective customers want to know four things: How your business will help them solve a problem. How your solution will meet a need. How your product or service will save time. How your service will make your prospect money. In other words,