If you’re a “just give me the facts, please” type of person, the price for Odyssey is as follows: a recurring monthly subscription fee of $499 (USD), plus a $2,999 (USD) one-time setup fee to get started.
Currently, Odyssey requires a website (with the Ecommerce Suite) from Marketing Ideas For Printers. That means you’ll have not only a forward-thinking Print MIS under your fingertips but also a world-class website! (Later, Odyssey will be available for use on any website.)
Odyssey’s Pricing and Benefits
So, I know what you’re probably thinking. “How does Odyssey help me sell more printing and pay for itself?” Or, there’s this one, “Switching to a new MIS is a huge headache. What’s so different about Odyssey that I’ll know it’s really worth it?” Finally, “I’m thinking about it, but why hurry?”
Well, let me answer those questions for you with three of the benefits I believe will be the most impactful for you:
Question #1: How does Odyssey help me sell more printing and pay for itself?
By eliminating double-entry and creating a more efficient hand-off from your customers to your team.
Just think of all the time it takes your team to copy the information from an online order and paste it into a legacy Print MIS. It’s safe to say that process can easily take about five minutes. (When I surveyed Odyssey’s Early Adopters, I got a range of three to eleven minutes per order). If you get twelve online orders per day and can save five minutes per order, that’s a whole hour that’s available for someone to make sales calls and sell more printing. If all of those extra hours each month give you the time to sell $1500 in printing at a 35% profit margin, then Odyssey has paid for itself just on that aspect alone! That doesn’t even begin to touch on all the other efficiencies and marketing touches that are (or soon will be) available in Odyssey!
Question #2: How is Odyssey really different than any of the other Print MIS systems that are available?
Odyssey expands the scope of a legacy Print MIS.
Print MIS has always been about only the time during print production. With the content-rich marketing tools that will be coming to Odyssey, Print MIS expands to include the time before printing when you want to turn prospects into customers, and the time after printing when you want to keep customers coming back to turn into repeat customers. This is something that’s never been done in Print MIS before, and it’s what makes Odyssey unique!
Question #3: Why should I join now?
When you join Odyssey now, you’ll have an unfair amount of influence on the direction of Odyssey’s development.
Why? Because Odyssey isn’t available for everyone (yet!), as we’re intentionally limiting Odyssey’s availability to a small group of customers. This allows us to keep a laser-like focus on making Odyssey exactly right for the first group of customers that join alongside our Early Adopters, without being distracted by the demands of a large customer base. With a direct path to our developers, it also means you’ll be able to make sure Odyssey is working exactly the way you expect!
Odyssey just might be the best investment you’ll ever make. But the only way to prove the value of Odyssey is to try it for yourself. Our team will be honored to provide you the ability to try Odyssey in your own printing firm. Start by visit www.MarketingIdeasForPrinters.com/mis, and then contact me directly at (701) 241-9204 or (800) 736-0688.
Dave Hultin
President, Marketing Ideas For Printers