At its core, selling is all about connecting. Printers are professionals who provide a valuable service to someone in need. But a print customer’s need is not the primary reason a person will buy – or keep buying – from you. Relationships are the spark that fuels one sale after another. When you hope to build beneficial relationships with your print customers, where should you begin? Here are five strategies for creating these connections. Break Down Barriers: 5 Strategies for Getting to Know Your Print Buyers 1. Be as Personable as Possible If you want to overcome apathy, drive engagement, and gain lifelong customers, put human connections first. Award-winning sales trainer Patricia Fripp often reminds people that, when seeking to build a successful enterprise, “you don’t close a sale, you open a relationship.” Always seek to view your clients as people, not prospects. Research confirms what many instinctively know – there is something sweet about hearing your name. When you chat with customers through calls, emails, or face-to-face encounters, push yourself to use their names several times. Call out things unique or impressive about a client’s project or personhood. Adding names or details to your interactions helps you acknowledge your

Enhancing the print buying experience is crucial for staying ahead of the competition, especially in this fast-paced digital world. As technology evolves, your print buyers seek convenience, personalization, and efficiency. Embracing innovative approaches will not only attract new customers but will also help you retain loyal ones. If you’re looking to elevate the print buying experience and boost sales, explore these cutting-edge strategies. 1. Ensure a User-Friendly Website Experience Your website is the virtual storefront or digital doorstep of your printing business. Ensure it is user-friendly, intuitive, and responsive across all devices. Implement a clean design highlighting your services and making it easy for customers to find what they need. Remember, a seamless online experience fosters trust and encourages repeat business. In addition, make sure you’re targeting the right print buyers. For example, if you’re looking to get more B2B print clients and focus on larger jobs, don’t feature business cards on the home page of your website. Put the products that you WANT to print front and center on your website. 2. Provide an Interactive Print Design Tool Introduce an interactive online design tool that empowers your print buyers to create personalized print marketing pieces effortlessly. This tool should

Today’s print industry is facing a new challenge: reaching a generation raised in the digital age. Research shows that print remains a priority with many companies, with one-third of many corporations’ advertising budgets still dedicated to print materials. However, to remain a relevant and vibrant option in today’s marketing space, you and your team will need to find unique ways to bridge the generational gap and promote the benefits of your craft: print. Print is Still Relevant Though digital marketing has come to the forefront in recent years, print is still a viable medium. Our beloved print industry has continued to grow with many developments occurring alongside its digital peers. Still, to keep pace with cost-effective, creative digital marketing materials, the entire printing industry will need constant innovation and re-invention. Print is still relevant today, but original thinking, hard work, and consistent effort are required to keep it that way. What is the Next Generation of Print Buyers Looking For? Though print is adopting emergent technologies like automation, robotics, and augmented reality every day, we all know the word “print” is inadequate to express all the medium can accomplish. Print carries with it the idea of datedness to the next

Is your printing business customer-focused? Becoming a print-buyer-focused printing firm means focusing on how every interaction helps your print buyer, rather than how it helps your business. While it sounds simple enough in theory, you’d be surprised at the number of business decisions that fail to consider the customer. What is a Print-Buyer-Focused Business? A print-buyer-focused printing firm puts its print buyers at the heart of everything it does, knowing that it will not only help customers but will also help build better relationships, increase loyalty, and ensure overall satisfaction with your business. So, how can you make your printing business more focused on your print buyers? Try these tips to get started. Tips to Make Your Print Business More Print-Buyer Focused 1. Seek to Understand Your Print Buyers’ Perspective The best place to understand someone else’s perspective is to spend some time in their shoes. Empathy is a tremendous gift in business. It will give you insight into the heart of your buyers like nothing else will. And, it doesn’t have to be complicated. You can practice this skill of empathy by simply asking yourself questions as if you’re the print buyer in various circumstances. For example: If a