[New Content Alert!] Extend an Invitation to Your Print Buyers with Hot, New Content Available Now

Content acts as a welcome mat. People will go where they’re invited, and the same is true of your prospects and customers. Content extends the necessary invitation for print buyers to come and visit you. 

Take a look at the content invitation available for your marketing toolkit now!

Printer’s Press

The Printer’s Press newsletter has been our most popular direct mail product since its debut in 1988. Written to appeal to all audiences, it is intended to present your printing firm as a well-informed and good-natured business.

In the July issue, available for download now, your audience will learn how the first step in a business relationship is letting the customer know you’re there. Then, move on to showing them how you are positioned to help with the compelling power of brochures and flyers.

Also available this month, readers will enjoy other interesting articles, including this featured Customer Care article:

As pedestrians in Damrak, Amsterdam, endured what looked to be a record-breaking heatwave, the local McDonald’s was looking for a way to up their smile value in the neighborhood. They worked with a company to create a heat-activated billboard with a panel that opened once the temperature reached the record high of 38.6 ̊C (101.48 ̊F), giving access to the 100 McFlurry cups that had been on display behind the panel. Passersby simply had to remove a cup and bring it to the nearby McDonald’s for some free ice cream.

Give your print buyers something to look forward to each month in their mailbox with the impossible-to-ignore content found in the Printer’s Press newsletter.

Business Forum

When you’re looking to connect with your B2B clients on a more professional level, the Business Forum newsletter is the perfect tool to get you there.

In the July issue, available for download now, your clients can enjoy a wide variety of content, including:

  • Growing Your Business, Your Way
  • Focusing your print marketing efforts on the right audience
  • Summer job ideas for the teen entrepreneur
  • Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) – creating an irresistible offer
  • The dangers of “fake it ’til you make it”
  • and more!

Help inspire your corporate clients with eight pages of the perfect mix of work/life topics – all printed with your name and quality.

Coffee Break

On the opposite end of the content spectrum, the Coffee Break newsletter breaks free from the pressures of work to invite your audience in with some fun humor.

This piece is perfect for light-hearted reading in the breakroom and is filled with jokes, quips, and other fun content like this “Thoughts While Packing List” from TheDogHouseDiaries.com:

  • You can never have too many socks and underwear. Let’s double the number just to be safe.
  • They don’t actually weigh carry-on bags, right?
  • You don’t want to be the one that wears the same thing the entire trip!
  • Can’t forget the snacks, people!
  • What if a freak basketball tournament breaks out, and I’m the only fool there that didn’t bring basketball clothes and shoes?
  • But look how much room I’m saving with the sock-in-the- shoe trick!
  • Bring every headphone.
  • I don’t usually floss, but let’s bring it anyways. Who knows, right? I might feel inspired…
  • Ooh … I’m forgetting bout the clothes I’m wearing on the way there…
  • I thumb my nose at your 3 oz. rule!
  • Me normally: Wears the same shirt for three days.
  • Me packing for vacation: “I’ll probably change four times a day, so I’ll need 28 shirts.”

Prompt smiles and build a warm relationship between you and your clients when you get started with Coffee Break today!


The FastStart direct mail package is an excellent, product-of-the-month tool to showcase everything you have to offer in a fold-over mailer and/or postcard format.

This month’s download focuses on sizzling summer promotions, hot deals, and branded giveaways. Invite your clients and prospects to show their swag and elevate their name with promotional items that will make their brand tangible and memorable.

Promotional products draw a whopping 500% more referrals, building goodwill, name recognition, and elevated exposure for your brand. When you want to engage and influence buyers, put your name directly into their hands. From die-cut bookmarks to pocket-sized lip balms or hand sanitizers, your logo can be attached to anything.

Showcase how much you care about seeing your print buyers succeed with the monthly power of the FastStart mailer.

Local Edge

Local Edge is specifically designed to highlight the four advantages that can only come through a local printer like you:

  • The Print Advantage,
  • The Local Advantage,
  • The Creative Advantage,
  • and The People Advantage.

In the July edition, available for download now, Local Edge focuses on the local advantage of finding and working with a business that shares the same vision, values, and standards of quality and excellence as them. This simple postcard positions you as the perfect print partner for whatever needs your readers may have.

When you want to reach far, go national!

The National Direct Mail marketing package offers you no zip code limitations and multi-channel content through included social media and email marketing content.

Did you know the first promotional item in U.S. history was a commemorative button made for George Washington in the election of 1789? And, studies show that people view receiving a promotional item as an act of kindness, showing them that your brand cares.

Showcase your expertise and knowledge (as well as how much your print company cares) to your audience across the country with this National Direct Mail package.

Not sure which direct mail package is the perfect fit for your business?

New Website Content

Ideas Collection: Nailing Your Direct Mail Marketing

How fitting that this month’s Ideas Collection tip highlights the power of direct mail and how your print buyers can make it work for them!

Subscribers to the websites at Marketing Ideas For Printers, or the Ideas Collection content WordPress Plugin, will notice that “3 Fundamentals for Nailing Your Direct Mail Marketing” will automatically be added to the content lineup on your website.

This go-to resource will help your print buyers learn how to combine the right message, media, and market to ensure the results they’re looking for with their print marketing pieces.

No matter what you sell or who you are selling to, the principles for marketing success are the same. There are three components to marketing, for anything, anywhere, at any price, to anyone. Every business requires three equal components to prosper:

  • A marketing message
  • media to deliver the message
  • market to receive and respond to it

The right content on your print website is essential to invite your prospects and customers in and build the relationships that result in ordering printing from you!

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