In her book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jane Jacobs writes about the relationship of locally owned businesses and community. Here’s what she observes about the power of small, daily interactions:
(Community) “grows…out of people stopping by…, getting advice from the grower and giving advice to the newsstand man, comparing opinions with other customers at the baker and nodding hello to the two boys drinking pop on the stoop…Most of it is ostensibly utterly trivial, but the sum is not trivial at all. The sum of such casual, public contact at the local level…is a feeling for the public identity of the people, a web of public respect and trust, and a resource in time of personal or neighborhood need. The absence of trust is a disaster to a city street.”
The Hidden Costs of Absentee Ownership
The July edition of our Local Edge direct mail postcard focuses on the importance of local business and its impact in the community it resides. While our global economy has its perks, often a decrease in independent business owners brings a loss of personal investment in the community itself. Research consistently reveals that absentee-owned companies result in hidden costs: depressed wages, homogenized community character, and fewer dollars invested in the regional economy.
Local Printing Brings the Advantage Back Home
This month’s mailing features you as a local business owner who is committed to the well-being and long-term stability of the region you live in. Remind your customers and prospects that printing locally assures both excellent service AND a community-first commitment. Prosperous, creative, connected communities – local printing brings the advantage back home.
To get started with Local Edge, give us a call today at (701) 241-9204 or (800) 736‑0688 or click below to get started and download some free samples.