New Design Tip in the Ideas Collection: Grab Them Right Out of the Gate

We love adding fresh content to Websites For Printers websites! Earlier this week we added a new Design Tip to the Ideas Collection of the Websites For Printers websites.

The new tip, Grab Them Right Out of the Gate, educates print buyers on how to use a gate fold to present big information in a small brochure. This is the kind of information that not only educates your website visitors, but positions you as the go-to printer with answers and solutions. Have a look at Grab Them Right Out of the Gate as it appears on one of the Websites For Printers demo websites.

Grab The Right Out of the Gate

The new tip made its appearance not only on the website, but also in the latest issue of the twice-monthly Printer@Work email newsletter built into each Websites For Printers website. Each issue of Printer@Work features a tip from the Ideas Collection plus more fun sales-building content.

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