Ever Eaten a Beehive? Have you ever gone out on a limb? You know, scooching a bit too far, feeling the limb start to sag, but reaching…stretching your fingers until your joints hurt? That honey is all you want. It’s all you dream about. Right?  That honey is your Holy Grail. But, no matter how far you reach, that hive of honey is just too far, too elusive, too hard to grasp. The Business of Bees Stretching for the unattainable is what being a small business owner is all about. All small business owners dream of that honey, of hitting it big. We think that when we open our doors, life will be a vacation, but that’s not how it works. Small business owners get “stung” by a million problems every day. It can be relentless. How can anyone manage through that? Execute, Execute, Execute If you want to learn to push through to reach the impossible, there are three really easy steps. Although these steps will help you, remember, it’s always about the execution. Execution is the key to success.  Don’t tell me how you are going to be successful, SHOW ME. Everyone wants to sell their company for millions, but in reality,