Direct mail marketing is not only an excellent choice for advertising your business (no matter what business you’re in), but it’s also a great way for you, as a printer, to showcase your quality handiwork! You’ve already seen print marketing work firsthand for countless other businesses that you’ve helped personally with their direct mail campaigns. It seems only natural that you would want the same results with direct mail marketing of your own. So, what’s holding you back? Whether it’s time, money, or coming up with the content on your own, you CAN easily provide informative, engaging content on a regular basis that promotes your print business. WHAT IS DIRECT MAIL FOR PRINTERS? Back in 1988, a friendly printer was frustrated that it was so time-consuming and expensive to create his own direct mail marketing. So, he had the idea to create direct mail campaigns as camera-ready artwork so other printers could benefit, too! That friendly printer was Mike Stevens, our late founder. It didn’t take long for other printers to grab hold of the marketing help. Many printers reported that the direct mail campaigns offered provided them with much better artwork than they could design in their own shop,