Ecommerce is no longer a “wave of the future.” It’s a necessity. As part of that expectation, consumers are counting on your printing firm to be able to take credit card payments through your website and be trusted with the transaction details. Remember the pre-internet days of taking a credit card payment? You lugged that big slider thingy up onto the counter, put your NCR receipt paper in there with the credit card, and then slid it back and forth a dozen times until you magically created a semi-readable etching of the information. Ahh… those were the days; life was slower back then. Today, however, life’s quickened pace has meant that credit card payments have to hit on all markers of fast, secure, and safe. The creation of the digital space and the Amazon-like ordering experience means consumers, small business owners, and credit card companies need a way to protect themselves against digital fraud. Data and information need to be protected with just as much fervor as physical currency. And, if your printing firm wants to take credit card payments via your website, that’s where PCI compliance comes in. What is PCI Compliance? Payment card industry (PCI) compliance is a