When you need to grab the attention of your print buyer, you need a great headline. Whether your message is making its way to your audience through email, web copy, or direct mail, a great headline will snag the interest of your reader enough for them to want to read more. Here are a few tips to ensure you hit the mark with your headline every time. 7 Tips and Formulas for Writing Effective Headlines TIPS 1. Write for the Need Instead of trying to communicate value when writing your headline, go for the print buyer’s need. All of your print buyers are in need of something, and your product or service will solve that need. If you keep your focus on addressing the need, your headlines will practically write themselves. Remember, great headlines tell you the end result in a way that you want to see or read more about. 2. Be Clear and Concise Headlines are not the place to show off your fantastic wit. While some might get your cute idiom or play on words, more often than not, they can miss the mark for those who don’t get it. Be sure your headline is clear, concise,