A Whole New World

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”

This quote by Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World and teacher and mentor to George Orwell, is some of the most universal advice out there. We hear it time and again from great business leaders, successful entrepreneurs, and the great minds of our time and generations past. What is it that rings so true?

You Can’t Outrun Change

The world changes so fast, and the markets change incredibly quickly. The guaranteed way to keep up with it all and stay successful is to change along with it. Change never comes without knowledge. Luckily, it doesn’t require hours and hours of study to learn something new and helpful. Sometimes it is a phrase or a simple paragraph that inspires.

This month’s Business Forum brings a few of those tidbits right to you, helping you provide the sparks of inspiration your customers might not even realize they’re looking for.

Donald Miller’s new book, Building a Brand Story: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen, is reviewed in this issue. This book is one of those marketing tools that will inspire your customers to think about their marketing in a whole new light, inspiring them to take bold steps to simplify their brand and use tried and true proven marketing methods – especially focusing on the print medium.

A Powerful Resource

Curiosity-driven thought leadership is another focus this month as reminders of how print unequivocally has longevity and can provide unlimited exposure for your customers. Being that March is National Nutrition Month, the Art of the Family section gives parents some great ideas to incorporate healthy foods into their kids’ diets as well as some good resources to help them think creatively about it.

Now is the time to get started and provide this monthly resource to your customers. Help be part of your customers’ lifelong journey of improvement, leading to their own success as well as yours. Call us at (800) 736-0688 or (701) 241-9204 to get started or download a free sample below.


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