How to Inspire Life, Business, and Real-Print Solutions

Remember when summers were spent at the pool or the beach, riding your bike around the neighborhood, and wishing that you never had to go back to school? It seems so long ago.

Inspiring Life

The latest issue of the Business Forum direct mail newsletter gives a nod to the days when getting ready for summer camp was simple. Along with that, our health & wellness section reminds your customers and prospects about summer safety for bug bites and how to prevent them.

Inspiring Business

A staple in Business Forum, this month we feature Carter Cast’s The Right – and Wrong Stuff in the business book review. Cast’s book helps people ask themselves the hard questions surrounding the failures they’ve experienced as managers, leaders, and employees. Every team leader would benefit from this read.

Don’t forget to take a peek at this month’s app suggestions. We take a look at resources to help your customers create augmented reality content to add to their printed material. It is a perfect way for customers to dive into combining digital with print resources in a user-friendly and cost-effective way.

Inspiring Real-Print Solutions

The rest of Business Forum is packed with great content. How about creating a unique greeting card to stay top-of-mind with customers any time of the year? We have some great print tips for your customers to help them think outside the box for reasons to explore connecting with their target audience throughout the year.

As much as we all want to spend the summer on the beach, for those who still have to bring home the bacon, the Business Forum never sleeps and the great content will work hard for you all summer long.

To get started, contact us below or download samples now.

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