What To See at Print 17: A New Print MIS

The countdown is on to Print 2017! Soon, from September 10th through the 14th, our team from Marketing Ideas For Printers will be in Chicago, claiming Booth 351 as our temporary home away from home.

Last year at GraphExpo we presented a preview of Odyssey, an all-in-one Marketing, Web-To-Print, and Print MIS system. One year later, we’re ready to show how Odyssey is ready for you, and that’s exciting!

Where Do Your Customers Shop?

We know it’s important to you to be where your customers are. With more and more of your clients online than ever before, you need a solution that meets them where they’re at. After all, according to a Pew Research Center study published in December 2016,

…roughly eight-in-ten Americans are now online shoppers.

(Source: pewinternet.org: Online Shopping and E-Commerce)

But where your customers shop online and where your team works are two different places.

Now, you can close that gap between where your customers order printing online and where your team manages those tasks that make printing happen because Odyssey is a Print MIS that lives online in a web browser. When that gap gets closed, you and your team get to experience the efficiency you’ve been aiming for, and your customers get the online shopping experience they expect.

You Can Support In-Person Shopping Too

The trend towards more online shopping is unstoppable. Yet, that same Pew internet study cited above also says that:

Two-thirds of online shoppers generally prefer buying from physical stores.

It’s fun and trendy to talk about the online experience, but it’s also important not to forget that in-person shopping experience you’ve already worked so hard to perfect. You can make sure that the same experience that’s available to your customers online is available to them when they visit you in-person when you use a Print MIS that focuses on both, like Odyssey.

Growing With You Because No Website Is Ever Done

Just as you’re always working to improve your process to reach and serve your customers better, the same rings true for us. Websites are fluid; they’re always changing. That’s true for simple content-only websites, and it’s also true for full-blown web apps (like Odyssey). But, don’t mistake fluidity as a bad thing, when really, it’s a good thing! Think how uninspiring it would be if you were using the same website and order process as when you started in the printing industry years ago.

That’s why our focus is making sure that Odyssey grows with you and never remains stagnant. With the day-to-day core of Odyssey built and already making a difference in the real world for Odyssey’s earliest subscribers, we’re continuing to grow and expand! Our future sights are set on the promise we see in the marketing component of Odyssey to help you build relationships with your customers before, during, and after production. Those marketing pieces continue to come together even though they’re not quite ready to make their worldly debut yet, but they’re the source of lots of excitement as Odyssey continues to grow!

See Odyssey at Print 17

You want to sell more printing, and it’s our mission to help you do just that. Come and see Odyssey in person! Print 2017 is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to explore adding some fluidity to your own process by branching out to serve your customers better. Reserve your time now for a personal Print 17 Meet-up during the show.



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