Introducing DesignEdit

Several of our recent webinars have focused on one of our most work-in-progress projects, Cumulus. But Cumulus is the project’s code name. This week, we’re moving from the code name to the real name: DesignEdit.

You’re going to love DesignEdit! It’s an online design tool featuring over 10,000 editable templates, many with industry specific text and imagery, with new templates being added each week. Almost all of the templates allow your customers to replace existing images either with their own images, or images from a library of over 14 million high-quality images.

DesignEdit Editor

We hope you’re as excited as we are, and you won’t have to wait much longer — our development team is targeting the release for Fall 2013.

To help you prepare for the release of DesignEdit, we’re providing a special discount to help you get more for your money when the product is released. We’re calling it the “Money Multiplier”. The Money Multiplier was first introduced in our August 15th Webinar, but here’s the executive summary: you can get up to 20% more for your money when you pre-pay for your designs!

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