While print marketing requires an upfront investment, the rewards are worth it! When you want to convince potential print buyers this is true, consider sharing these five examples of successful print marketing campaigns. Jersey Mike’s: Creative Coupon Promotions Breaking into a new market is tough, and the restaurant industry is no exception. When Gerrit Curran and Emily Wessner opened a Jersey Mike’s Subs in Muhlenberg Township, Pennsylvania in 2019, they used coupons with a twist to attract patrons and build customer loyalty. To gain traction in their township of 20,000, they recognized the power of anchoring their business to a community connection. During the Grand Opening, the Jersey Mike’s staff distributed over 7,000 sandwich coupons in the community, inviting people to enjoy a free sub but also to donate the cost of that sandwich to the Muhlenberg Township Athletic Association. In total, the promotion helped to raise over $15,000 and cemented Jersey Mike’s as a committed community partner. Press: Direct Mail Marketing + Targeted Social Media Ads Press, starting as an Austin-based business, puts a modern spin on laundry and dry cleaning. Its convenient app allows users to schedule direct-to-door laundry pickup and delivery. Now spread across 30+ cities, Press