15 Things Your Print Buyers Want (But Can’t Tell You)

Every print business has its strengths and its weaknesses.

To ensure you’re meeting your print buyers’ needs, it’s a great idea to take stock of the areas where your company is performing well and other areas where improvements can be made. This careful attention to your printshop’s performance not only benefits your existing clientele, but it also attracts new print buyers.

Since some of those print buyers can’t put into words what they are looking for, and others simply won’t tell you, it’s up to you to figure out the little extras you can offer to ensure the ultimate customer satisfaction.

Here is our list of 15 things your print buyers want but can’t (or won’t) tell you:

1. To receive good value

Print buyers are like customers of any business. They’re willing to spend their hard-earned money, but they want to know they’re getting excellent value for every dollar they spend.

2. To be kept informed

When an order is placed with your company, your print buyer appreciates being kept informed of the status of their order. Simple website-generated emails that keep them in the loop regarding production schedules, deadline adherence, problems encountered, and shipping dates all help promote trust in your business.

3. To be told the truth

Honesty truly is the best policy.

Your print buyers appreciate it when you don’t sugarcoat things, rating complete honesty as one of the top three characteristics they want in their print company. Your clients understand that disappointments (such as paper shortages) happen, and sometimes it becomes necessary to seek another solution for their needs.

Up front honesty will earn you the ongoing respect of your print buyers.

4. To be offered creative suggestions

If you have a suggestion to help your print buyer receive a better product and for less money, by all means, share it!

Print buyers unanimously agree that they value your suggestions and appreciate being given options from which to choose, particularly if the end product will be significantly better than their original design.

While the print buyer is the hero, they are still relying on you to be their guide.

5. To be made aware of project management tools and new industry trends

Time is of the essence for your print buyers.

Since designing and ordering their print products is rarely the only job they have to do, print buyers appreciate being kept informed of any product management tools or software solutions you offer that can help them more effectively use their time.

Will a Reorder Forms Library or a Private Label Website streamline their ordering process? It’s up to you to tell them about it.

Likewise, your customers appreciate being kept in the loop when industry trends emerge. Are debossing and die-cuts popular right now? What’s the Pantone Color of the Year?

Whether you communicate new and exciting developments via a quick phone call or an email blast, your print buyers will be pleased by your efforts to keep them well informed.

6. To work with a responsible team

Print buyers appreciate printers who are committed to transparency in their work processes and take full responsibility when something goes wrong.

Mistakes and oversights are often forgiven if the printer is direct and honest about the problem and chooses to be accountable to resolve it to the client’s satisfaction.

Be radical in this approach. Did they rate you four stars instead of five? Find out why and how you can get them to five-star satisfaction.

7. To have easy access to sales and service representatives

When print buyers have questions, they need to know they can pick up the phone or shoot off an email and get a response in as close to real-time as possible.

Ensure you are accessible to your clients, providing an email address or phone number where you can easily be reached when problems or questions arise.

And provide as many answers as possible on your website through regularly-updated, relevant content.

8. To be treated with respect

Every day, you interact with people.

Some are new to designing and ordering print marketing materials and others are seasoned professionals. Regardless of their experience level, your print buyers want one thing from you: to be treated with respect and professionalism.

9. To feel they are working with a trusted partner

People like working with others who they feel are invested in their success.

Your print buyers want to feel they are working alongside a trusted partner committed to helping them achieve their goals. Involve them in the process and work together to bring their creative vision to life.

Show you’re invested in being their partner through monthly communications, such as Local Edge, that show you mean it.

10. To enjoy brand consistency

Whether your print buyer connects with your company through your website or meeting with you in person, they want to experience brand consistency.

This also extends to the people that they work with. If possible, use one person in your company as a point of contact for each print buyer. This helps to promote the feeling of teamwork and brand focus.

11. To help with their print ROI

A print campaign is only worthwhile if it is effective.

Help your print buyers to see what they’re getting for their money by keeping a close eye on the success of their print marketing campaigns and sharing the results with them.

12. To interact with a real person

Print buyers enjoy working with a real person

“The most human companies always win.” – Mark Schaefer

Though it may be tempting to hide away in the back of your shop, a vital part of a successful print business is making the time to connect with your print buyers face to face. Whether you invite your clients to your plant for a tour or plan a social outing at a popular restaurant or coffee shop, taking the time to make these personal connections helps print buyers to feel valued and appreciated.

13. To have quick turnaround times

We live in an instant society.

We place our orders online and immediately start checking for the arrival of our products. Your print buyers want quick turnaround times from you in every aspect of your working relationship. Whether it’s an estimate, a phone call, a proof, or print job completion, be sure to be efficient and accurate.

How can you improve your company’s efficiency? Through a new website and online ordering solution? Perhaps a Management Information System (MIS)?

14. To express their creativity

While some print buyers want you to do everything for them, many others like the ability to have input or create their print marketing vision themselves.

They just need the right tools.

Can your print buyers create and design their own products on your website? Do they have the ability to express their vision and offer feedback in the design creation process?

15. To have a simple ordering and reordering system

Your print buyers are busy people who don’t have much time to invest in placing orders and reorders.

Make your ordering and reordering system clear and the process simple and efficient to ensure repeat business from your print buyers.

Looking for ways to increase your benefit to your print buyers? Contact us at 701-241-9204 to learn more about how we can help you leverage marketing best practices within your print business.

Or explore how a website packed with automatically updated relevant content can help you sell more printing when you start your free website today. Enjoy feature-rich access free for 30 days without obligation!

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