Make Plans to Succeed With Your Direct Mail Marketing

The October Business Forum newsletter will be available for download soon!

October means school is back in session and the holiday season peeks from just around the corner. For some, it is already on the store shelves!

In this Issue

The Art of Family: This month we look at what to do when student loans start to come due. If anyone in your family or your new employees graduated last spring, now is about the time when loans will begin repayment schedules. Making plans for and understanding your loans can make all the difference between good repayment habits and making choices that could hurt you.

Product Feature: We make a few connections this month between having print pieces drive a company’s web traffic and how the two, print and digital, can be a great team when planned in tandem. Our product feature is coupons and statement stuffers, with examples of how print and digital can drive traffic and sales.

Book Review: This month’s book review is all about tackling the hard parts of business. Have you ever hired a friend when they really didn’t work out? What about solving conflicts within teams that are struggling to work together? This month’s book is a must-read for any professional.

Health and Wellness: As always, not all the content is business, business, business. After all, flu season is coming, and we have to be prepared. This month includes the often forgotten ways that germs spread at the office.

A full package of great content is ready and waiting for you to start your direct mail marketing campaign for your print business today.

To get started, you can contact us below or download free samples today!

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