Why Postcards?

Have Instagram, Facebook, and social media become the new, “wish you were here” greeting for this generation?

Washington Post travel journalist Mark Jenkins wrestled with this question and concluded the allure of the postcard is not just the image captured or the message shared, but a physical memento from a real, tangible place. Jenkins writes,

Postcards (are) more personal than a generalized cyber-posting or e-blast, and . . . less narcissistic. Postcards widen the conversation by adding a third element: the image itself, whether tacky or beautiful, generic or informative.

Think Outside the Rectangle

Remind your customers that a physical message in their hands gives their message palpable weight with this month’s FastStart direct mail package.

Show them that gone are the days of boring templates and that today’s printing capabilities offer them the chance to dream and DO almost anything with postcard sizing, shape, or finishes. Encourage your clients to think outside the rectangle — considering tri-fold layouts, square promo cards, or coupons with detachable referral slips that people can give to a friend.

Lively Postcards are Personal, Practical, and FUN

Perhaps your customers need a boost in their seasonal sales or trade show promotions. Here’s a peek at the FastStart feature:

Been a bit sluggish in your sales? Invigorate your image with radiant printed postcards for trade shows, mailings, service reminders, change of address updates, or purchase packaging add-ins. Launch into new life with energetic postcards that flaunt bold headlines, intriguing incentives, or time-sensitive calls to action. Classy and convenient, postcards are a trustworthy tool for “at-a-glance” marketing.

Keep Them Coming Back

Want to keep your energizing, economical solutions consistently on YOUR customer’s minds? FastStart reminds them of all your printing capabilities! Download a free sample or contact us below!

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