Beat the Post-Holiday Slump

A brand new issue of Coffee Break will be coming your way soon.

Don’t let the post-holidays slump affect the way you interact with your customers. Instead of letting things stagnate, take this time to shake things up a bit — maybe add some humor to your marketing lineup.

An item for sale on Craigslist…
“Antique sewing table refurbished by my wife, $30. (If she’s home, $100.)”

The Staying Power You Need

Add some levity to your customers’ days by providing them with a humor newsletter that is designed to make them laugh and remind them that you can provide all they need when it comes to printing. The Coffee Break newsletter is a unique blend of clean jokes, a calendar that increases the staying power of the printed piece, and short-but-sweet advertising messages. The result? The ideal lighthearted newsletter that is sure to get read over and over.

Driving home from work one day, I stopped at a vegetable stand. Surprisingly, it was deserted, except for a large, sleeping German Shepherd.

I stepped over the dog, helped myself to some corn, then opened the cash box to pay. Taped to the inside of the lid was this note: “The dog can count.”

A monthly mailing of the Coffee Break newsletter is a powerful way to connect with your customers and remind them that you are the solution to their printing problems. Make the move and talk to one of our customer service representatives today at (800) 736-0688 or (701) 241-9204 about putting your name on this one-of-a-kind newsletter.


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