Remind Your Customers You’re There For Them

A brand new issue of Coffee Break will be coming your way soon!

Have you ever stopped to be grateful for the marketing materials your company sends to its customers? Taken a moment to appreciate the ability you have to get your company’s name into the hands of hundreds or thousands of people? What a privilege it is to have that freedom.

Engage Like No Other

We can take that idea even one step further when it comes to Coffee Break because it’s not just any marketing piece – it’s a dynamic newsletter meant to engage your customers in a way that other marketing materials don’t. Be thankful that each month you are sending out a powerful piece that is connecting with your customers on multiple levels.

Marketing to Be Thankful For

Direct-mail marketing is essential to small businesses. No matter the size of your marketing budget, there is always a way to get your name out there. Coffee Break is an affordable way to remind your customers that you are there for them. They, in turn, will be grateful for the way they are served by your company and look forward to their regular monthly mailings from you. It’s truly something to be thankful for.

If you’d like to get started providing your customers with the fun jokes and fact-a-day calendar Coffee Break provides, give us a call at (800) 736-0688 or (701) 241-9204.


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