What is one thing that sets your company apart? Perhaps you offer a distinct product or service, or your customer care is second to none. Whatever it is that catches the attention of your customers, it is only one piece of the puzzle. Combining it with other strong aspects of your company is what really makes a lasting impression.
The Perfect Addition to Help You Connect
The same can be said for Coffee Break. When added to an established lineup of marketing tools, the power of Coffee Break only increases. It is one more way that you are connecting with your customers as they go about their busy lives, and it reminds your customers that you are there for them when they need you. As they read the jokes and refer to the calendar throughout the month, they are connecting with your company.
My sister was explaining to my nephew that his voice would eventually change as he grew up.
Zach was exuberant at the prospect. “Cool!” he said. “I hope I get a German accent.”
Plan to Succeed
Customers that are well treated while they interact with your company are more likely to read the marketing you send them. They won’t want to miss out on any communication that comes from you. Make sure a regular mailing of Coffee Break and its fun jokes are part of your company’s marketing plan. Your customers will thank you with increased loyalty and sales.
I opened my electric bill at the same time I opened my water bill. Needless to say, I was shocked.
A brand new issue will be ready soon. If you’d like to get started with the Coffee Break direct mail newsletter, give us a call at (701)241-9204 or (800) 736-0688. Not sure yet? Click below to download some free samples and explore the impact Coffee Break can have for your business.